In our most recent blog titled “The Needed Good Faith Compromise,” we had one of the strangest critiques we’ve ever received. Said critique wasn’t one over the prose or what seemed like the even keel, tempered position we posit on health care reform, but alas on our mentioning of Jesus, the Christ. We do not know who you are, but I say to you we will always reference Jesus!!! So from now on, when you see any blog from “Verily Prime,” err on the side of caution that you are going to be offended because every chance we get…and if the reference of the Christ is apt, we will use “Him.” We say to all of you who read this blog, and even if we were making mad mammon in writing this blog, and everyone of you decided to stop reading the blog unless we abandoned references and reverence to Jesus-then that would be the end of the blog. Again to you who were offended because we referenced Jesus, avert your eyes. I am tempted to make privy to you information, which will enable you to meet us in person, but that would be the old us-incidentally and ironically, it is a meeting that Jesus wouldn’t sanction…We thank God for his grace…for all of our sake….
-Verily Prime