Thursday, July 30, 2009


I was in my mid-teens, residing in Antioch, California, when I read 1984, the classic George Orwell’s novel, which dealt with absolute corrupt power. I thought that this absolute power manifested in the previous administration because we heard how much a murderer President George Bush was; I supposed I was wrong because the Republicans lost. What was it that the biased press was clamoring about which symbolized Orwell’s chilling visions of power: President Bush, under the FISA program, had the gall to listen to conversations emanating out of terrorist enclaves-oh, but President Obama maintained the program; perhaps. it was the closing down of Gitmo, that eye sore of an exemplar of a human rights violator that represented Orwell’s Oceania-oh, but Gitmo is still housing those nice boys we call Jihadists; or perhaps, it was the illegal war being prosecuted in the theatre of the ancient crescent plains we now call Iraq-oh, it is still being prosecuted. How is it that President Obama is not the murderer Bush was when the foreign policies enacted to deal with the terrorists under Bush are mostly intact-as a matter of fact, President Obama has signed off on more drone attacks per capita than Bush did during the same duration in power. We are told that our new minted Presidential Messiah needs more time-some body correct me, but didn’t Jesus turned the water into wine instantly; didn’t Lazarus come forth from the grave right away; and didn’t the woman with the issue of blood instantly cured…the same for the blind and the lepers… Our president messiah has been resorting lately to blaming Bush, which incidentally Bush didn’t do to President Clinton. Someone should tell our messiah, even at the risk of being stricken with fire called down from heaven or Chicago, that, perhaps, it was the fact that the country had angst about the Iraqi War and the economy, which propelled him to power. But the press has become the mouth piece of the “rhetorician in chief” and the “Sheepdom” is willingly being led down the Primrose path-we’ve become Winston Smith, the main character in 1984, who at least fought with all his efforts not to be indoctrinated. Somebody help me because I now think that 2 + 2 is 5; that freedom is slavery; that ignorance is strength; and that war is peace, all the perverted tenets…of Orwell’s chilling 1984.
-Verily Prime


No one endures more slings and arrows than the Black man who dared to have voted against President Obama, and moreover, who is vocal about the president’s policies he opposes. Although it is the wont of those who engage in authoring blogs to be anonymous because it creates more intrigue and engenders more interests in said blog, this blogger does not subscribe to such a convention. As a Black man who voted against Obama, I am called “Oreo,” “Uncle Tom”-you know the typical vitriol one must endure for not walking in lockstep with the so called black conventional thinking…. As I have explained ad nauseum to my critics, I am a traditional Christian, which means that from my interpretation of the tenets that govern my religion, any behavior that was wrong when Jesus walked the earth in the flesh—is still wrong today. Those traditional Christian tenets take precedence over my being Black or any pocket book issues; and, no matte how much I take pride in Obama being the first Black president does not trumps my allegiance on how I think the Christ would have me vote on the issues of the day. When President Obama was campaigning, I saw how this man was being seen and spoken of like he was some sort of later day messiah; but even if President Obama were to emulate Midas and provide the attendant wealth, I still would have voted against him because the homosexual lobby supports this man; the abortion faction supports this man; the Hollywood crowd supports this man; and the Europeans supports this man—any traditional Christian worth his or her salt would have seen this as a red flag and not vote for this man. This is also a president who have said that we are not a “Christian” nation—need I go through our traditions and show the Christian nexus; this is a president who insists in covering up all Art inspired by the Christian religion when he visits colleges, schools, or the like; and this is a president who referred to the Koran as “holy.” Now before I am deemed intolerant, as a traditional Christian I do not think I am better than my brothers and sisters who are gay or my sisters who've had abortions—I simply believe that even if I engaged in behavior that is proscribed by the tenets of my faith, and my God says it is wrong to do so-then it is so….I have always tried to have the courage of my convictions, even if I am seen as an “Oreo” or deemed a negative aberration--I am reminded in the Gospel of Mathew where Jesus said, “…if the world hated me…then you=2 0too who believes in me will be so hated….”
-Verily Prime

Friday, July 24, 2009

It Is The Issue That Works Corruption of Blood

In our cherished Constitution, it says that the charge of Treason should not work corruption of blood; perhaps, it should have also said the same about the vestiges of racism. If I may borrow and take poetic license and paraphrased lines from one of the my favorite movies of all time, The Usual Suspects,"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off is convincing Black Americans in the North East or The West that racism is only a product of the Dixie South." We all are now acutely aware of the recent racial profiling case which happened to the renown Black Harvard Professor Louis Gates in Massachusetts. It is ironic to me that every time the NAACP survey comes out as for the most racist places for blacks to live, Massachusetts always made the top five, notwithstanding that the state is a bastion of Liberalism, and moreover, the stronghold of the Kennedy's. Those of us who have had similar experiences, be it from the officer’s point of view or that of Professor Gates, can make an educated guess what happened. To the officer who should have known better, supposedly, because he is trained for such eventualities, should have simply walked away. This situation was probably akin to having an argument with a flamboyant gay-everyman worth his "street cred," knows not to argue with a flamboyant gay guy in public because he is going to say something to threaten your manhood, and, you in turn, will want to resort to actions you consider to be macho, exacerbating the situation. Professor Gates must have said something which cause a rise out of the officer, but the fact that Gates was in his home and knowing the history of the state vis-a-vis race relations, the officer should have de-escalated the situation by walking away. The tougher question to us is how are we going to address racial profiling, especially if the stats show that certain ethnic groups are prone to commit certain crimes. Said stats may show that blacks are prone to commit robberies, murders, and slinging drugs; or that Muslims are prone to carry out terrorist acts; or that white men are more likely to engage in pedophilia and serial murder. All of us who are part of any of those ethnic groups implicated by the stats would be outraged if we were to be caught up in an investigation simply based on the stats and race--but that is the reality. Imagine, that you are a White father enjoying a day in the park with your daughter, and an officer came up and ask your daughter if she is being molested by you-think of your outrage; now, imagine an upstanding Black man being accosted simply because he was driving a Cadillac or find himself in an area deemed a white neighborhood....To paraphrase the Apostle Paul, do not be boastful in saying that you cannot engage in this or that behavior, but pray that God does not allowed evil to come into you to engage in robberies, murders, or pedophilia.
-Verily Prime

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birthday America

It is a mark of greatness for a country that its citizens who were born impaired can become handy-capable because of the services said country provide (happy birthday America); somewhere in some baseball farm system, a poor immigrant young man will start the journey of becoming a highly paid athlete (happy birthday America); In some park or Mall, a little girl or boy will be discovered and become some future matinee idol
(happy birthday America); somewhere in a small town, someone will randomly choose numbers that will net him or her millions in winning the lottery (happy birthday America); many across this country make a good living without breaking a sweat (happy birthday America); somewhere, some murderer will be given gratis a mouth peace advocate to defend him vigorously (happy birthday America); somewhere, there is an immigrant berating the country or perhaps addressing someone in authority with colorful metaphors-something that would have gotten him incarcerated or killed in his native country (happy birthday America); somewhere, there are Africans, Cubans, Haitians, Chinese, West Indians, moving heaven and earth to get to these shores (happy birthday America); somewhere, someone is putting lyrics to a beat, which will shortly be paying dividends (happy birthday America); somewhere, there are those working in garages who will come up with some technological advent and change our way of living for the better (happy birthday America); this coming fiscal year, much will be tabulated of the donated monies which ended up in the coffers of various charities--more than the GDP of many a country (happy birthday America); and, somewhere in Iraq, Iran, there are people dreaming about the benisons of Democracy (happy birthday America). The author of this blog, with many odds against him, received a GED, joined the United States Army, and used his GI Bill to pay and go to college and then graduate school; in addition, because of the education, he is well read and privy to the freedoms afforded here and he thank God through his Son Jesus Christ that he has the freedom to worship in peace-happy birthday America!
-Verily Prime

What Ever Happened to The Famous English Stiff Upper Lip?

A friend of ours sent us an article out of England that dealt with the British school system refusing to teach about the holocaust because it offended the Muslims who now make up a huge percentage per capita of the school population-it is again a manifestation of the malignancy of that growing venerable cancer that is Political Correctness. The article further underscored what Eisenhower knew that if he did not record the slaughter of the Jewish people at the hands of the Nazis, it would be denied; we know that even with pictures, the holocaust is still denied by haters of the Jews. We do not or should not hide the atrocities carried out by the crusaders in their efforts to take back Jerusalem from the Arabs who were then known as the Saracens. Political Correctness in England runs the gamut from Muslims wanting to wear Burkas in public places which require security checks, Muslim school texts teaching all manner of hatred towards Jews and Christians alike, to giving Ahmadinejad eq ual time after the Queen had given her traditional Christmas greetings. This is happening in the country that gave us the great Admiral Nelson and great state persons like Winston Churchill, Maggie Thatcher, and Tony Blair-what do they have now, aging rockers singing, “Start me up”? I am of the opinion that in years to come, America will have to go into England and rescue them from radical Islam. I reported in previous blogs how jihadists are taking root in Europe and especially England. Lest we forget, that it was in England where they arrested members of a terrorist cell, including a young mother who was willing to use her baby’s formula to transport liquid explosives to blow up airliners travelling across the Pacific Ocean. The symptoms of these examples of Political Correctness are perhaps what it is in store for us here in America; the news media are already engaged in utilizing some of the Political Correctness tactics. The media have refused to report the “honor killings;” hate crimes done by Muslims; and our own government has refused now to use the term, “War on Terror.” There is a reason why we have twelve people serving on a jury in England and America; it is a tradition taken from our Christian heritage because the Patriarch Jacob-before his name was changed to Israel-fathered twelve children that gave us the twelve judges to judge the twelve tribes. I surely hope the British people would “man up” and remember their tradition of having a “stiff upper lip,” which gave them the strength to face down the Nazis and also now to enable them not to be cowed by Political Correctness and the jihadists in their midst.
-Verily Prime Edit/Delete Message