-Verily Prime
Friday, July 3, 2009
What Ever Happened to The Famous English Stiff Upper Lip?
A friend of ours sent us an article out of England that dealt with the British school system refusing to teach about the holocaust because it offended the Muslims who now make up a huge percentage per capita of the school population-it is again a manifestation of the malignancy of that growing venerable cancer that is Political Correctness. The article further underscored what Eisenhower knew that if he did not record the slaughter of the Jewish people at the hands of the Nazis, it would be denied; we know that even with pictures, the holocaust is still denied by haters of the Jews. We do not or should not hide the atrocities carried out by the crusaders in their efforts to take back Jerusalem from the Arabs who were then known as the Saracens. Political Correctness in England runs the gamut from Muslims wanting to wear Burkas in public places which require security checks, Muslim school texts teaching all manner of hatred towards Jews and Christians alike, to giving Ahmadinejad eq ual time after the Queen had given her traditional Christmas greetings. This is happening in the country that gave us the great Admiral Nelson and great state persons like Winston Churchill, Maggie Thatcher, and Tony Blair-what do they have now, aging rockers singing, “Start me up”? I am of the opinion that in years to come, America will have to go into England and rescue them from radical Islam. I reported in previous blogs how jihadists are taking root in Europe and especially England. Lest we forget, that it was in England where they arrested members of a terrorist cell, including a young mother who was willing to use her baby’s formula to transport liquid explosives to blow up airliners travelling across the Pacific Ocean. The symptoms of these examples of Political Correctness are perhaps what it is in store for us here in America; the news media are already engaged in utilizing some of the Political Correctness tactics. The media have refused to report the “honor killings;” hate crimes done by Muslims; and our own government has refused now to use the term, “War on Terror.” There is a reason why we have twelve people serving on a jury in England and America; it is a tradition taken from our Christian heritage because the Patriarch Jacob-before his name was changed to Israel-fathered twelve children that gave us the twelve judges to judge the twelve tribes. I surely hope the British people would “man up” and remember their tradition of having a “stiff upper lip,” which gave them the strength to face down the Nazis and also now to enable them not to be cowed by Political Correctness and the jihadists in their midst.
-Verily Prime
-Verily Prime
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