Friday, December 25, 2009


It has been a year of epochal happenings, the obvious I need not go into. The Members of Verily Prime are simply writing to thank all of you who read this blog, even those who vehemently disagreed (especially, you dad) with our positions on the given issues. I hope in the future, we can still get into the spirited debates we’ve had in the past because I am certain that more epochal times are on the horizon. Know that we do what we do because we love this country and that we also privy to the fact that those who disagree with us do too. By now, you know our biases for traditional Christianity, but also you know that even us will be implicated because we too are flesh and blood and have “feet of clay.” I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, even those of our atheists followers, and success in the coming year in your respective vocations and other endeavors. With all our problems, we still live in the greatest nation on earth and I truly hope that it continues to be so. Until tomorrow, enjoy the blessings of these United States.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Years ago, my Conservative friends were mad at the members of Verily
Prime for supporting Elian Gonzalez’s returned to his father in Cuba because we placed ourselves in the father’s shoes. My conservative friends took the
opposing position, which was predicated upon their ideology that opposed the Cuban dictatorship. For us, notwithstanding Castro’s atrocities, it was germane to rightfully place the young Gonzalez’s boy back with his surviving parent-in this case, the father. The fact that the father lived in Cuba was of no consequence for our position and it should not have been. Today, we have a similar situation being played out between New Jersey and Brazil. A mother from Jersey took her son to Brazil…got re-married to a Brazilian doctor and subsequently died giving birth. In the interim, the Brazilian doctor has refused to send the boy back to his dad in New Jersey. Bear in mind, that the New Jersey father was and is a good father to his son and has been relentless in trying to get him back. For that Brazilian doctor--who incidentally sired a daughter with the boy’s mother--place yourself in the New Jersey father’s position. The Brazilian father’s position is that the boy loves his new family, including his young sister…and that those facts should trump the law. Think of the president this would usher in: in essence, if someone kidnaps a child and said child comes to like the surrounding amenities, then every parent in similar situations should lose his or her child. I supposed, Jesus forbids, if the doctor’s daughter, when she is older, is kidnapped and forced into slave trafficking and child prostitution, and the pimp/
kidnapper treats her well…it would be ok for the doctor to lose his parental right. Well, you say, prostitution is illegal…so too is kidnapping. I say to the Brazilian authorities, do the right thing. It must be noted that in the Gonzales case, it was Janet Reno, our then Attorney General, who gave the orders to literally take Elian that he could go back to his father in Cuba.
-Verily Prime

Friday, December 18, 2009


He is no different from those ladies who wake up in the wee hours of the Morn and pray for those they have never met and for countries whose shores they have never been to--mom, I include you in this category. Ron Parsley is a preacher out of Ohio who spends much of his time purchasing blacks from the fetters of modern slavery-of course, none of our intrepid Civil Rights leaders will dare speak of this modern slavery carried out by blacks on blacks, predominantly in Africa. If there are those of you who do not believe us, look at Christian Amanpour Sixty Minutes report on the subject matter. You will never see Reverend Parsley or others of faith being recognized for what they have done because such is the nature of our world now. One, the secular powers that are would never recognize any Christian and their endeavors; and two, they will not bring attention to the slavery issue to embarrass those African Countries and others who practice this evil. There are those of us who are going to say that Parsley is a televangelist, as though he should be ashamed-but those like him jobs are akin to the CIA. Their failures are always pronounced, but their good deeds are seldom celebrated. Another stroke of genius humanity carried out by Parsley is his purchasing of Ultra Sound machines and placing them strategically across from abortions clinics for those ladies who are contemplating adding to the holocaust to see the evidence and proof of life, recognizing the gravity that they were about to undertake. For those like Reverend Parsley and our mother, they take heed in the sobering fact that if Jesus were walking the earth in the flesh today and repeating the good deeds He did in the Bible, He would not be recognized by the Nobel Committee.
-Verily Prime

Monday, December 14, 2009


The members of Verily Prime are not prone to jumping on bandwagons, but we do so now because it is warranted, and moreover, objectivity calls for this positive aberration on our part. We were pleasantly surprised by the pro-America speech President Obama gave when he picked up his Nobel Peace Prize. It was long over due for these ungrateful Europeans to hear once again about the price in bloodletting and sacrifice America has paid in securing their freedom they so richly enjoy when they criticized us about our supposedly jingoism. Before Obama’s speech, I thought we would have had to procure a time machine and show these ingrates what life would have been like had the Nazis succeeded. I wonder if the Europeans still love our Secular Messiah President for schooling them that peace is sometimes secured by wars and that no negotiating will bring Al Queada to the peace table. The lessons, ironically, of the fame European, Otto Bismarck is still apt today…that war is an extension of peace…. Incidentally, to my European brothers and sisters, you think that you are sophisticated in your dealings vis-à-vis the jihadist problem cancerously rampant in your midst, but we know your posture is borne out of cowardice. I will noised this posture again by saying that America will have to save your butts again in the near future-props to the French under Sarkozy for his practical dealings with those who practice the religion of peace-go figure, the French is the ones putting up a decent fight in the coming formal conflict between Muslim jihadists and the free world.
-Verily Prime

Thursday, December 10, 2009


The Democrats have both houses of Congress and the presidential bully pulpit, yet, apparently, it is not enough. Case in point, the formidable wall the Dems have to spiral to get healthcare reform enacted is causing the likes of Harry Reid to hit below the belt. Our modern day Napoleon is not handling his coming waterloo well; he has equated Republican opposition to healthcare reform akin to the supposedly Republican stance against emancipation for the slaves during the Pre-Bellum period. Perhaps, I have my history wrong-but I thought that President Lincoln was a Republican and that he is noted in our history as responsible for freeing the slaves. Circa 1981, my brother Leon was secretly dating this Mormon girl in high-school, which in itself was a no, no, even then in Concord California. My other brothers and I were curious about the Mormon Faith and went inquiring of our dad (hope you recalled this Dad). Dad, being the walking font of data he was, conveyed to us that the Mormons had just recently allowed blacks to be part of their laity (1977). When we asked my brother’s girlfriend why the delay in allowing blacks to be members of their church, notwithstanding our listening to the Osmonds music, we were told that it was in 1977 that their leader received an epiphany from on high. Our dad reasoning for the Mormons allowing blacks to be part of their congregation was more grounded; he told us that it was a tax thing. I conveyed this story because I thought it was apt to Harry Reid, a proud Mormon, to let him know that he must be careful when using “race” because the “Peculiar Institution” has implicated many, even the Mormons.
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


t is said that one of the Democratic operatives, Bob Shrum, suggested to the Obama camp that he should say that the Iraqi war was the wrong war to wage as opposed to the theatre in Afghanistan. The Democrats did not want to look weak in the area of foreign policy; and as such, President Obama took the advice and became a proponent and posits over the campaign circle why the war in Afghanistan was the right war-he even went as far as to replace the general in charge--Ironically, the new general recommended what the sacked general wanted, which was an increased in troops, resulting in the Commander In Chief being deemed as ‘dithering.’ This dithering is a testament of the modern Democratic Party who has no stomach to fight, even when our national interests are at stake--somewhere in Georgia, Sam Nun is scratching his head wondering what happened to the Democratic Party he knew. When I served in the Army, there was always this visceral feeling that only the Republicans had our backs; and, looking at the bland speech our normally eloquent president gave at West Point, which had the cadets engaging in well deserved Z’s, gives credence to those sentiments. I am almost certain that President Obama will be his eloquent self when he visits the Copenhagen climate conference, which will be positing AL Gore’s bogus “global warming” nonsense-this is now where the current Democratic Party passion lies. Who knows, maybe we will see again our President genuflecting to some foreign dignitary, akin to a typical weekend down at South Beach, Florida or Christopher Street in San Francisco.
-Verily Prime