Tuesday, December 8, 2009


t is said that one of the Democratic operatives, Bob Shrum, suggested to the Obama camp that he should say that the Iraqi war was the wrong war to wage as opposed to the theatre in Afghanistan. The Democrats did not want to look weak in the area of foreign policy; and as such, President Obama took the advice and became a proponent and posits over the campaign circle why the war in Afghanistan was the right war-he even went as far as to replace the general in charge--Ironically, the new general recommended what the sacked general wanted, which was an increased in troops, resulting in the Commander In Chief being deemed as ‘dithering.’ This dithering is a testament of the modern Democratic Party who has no stomach to fight, even when our national interests are at stake--somewhere in Georgia, Sam Nun is scratching his head wondering what happened to the Democratic Party he knew. When I served in the Army, there was always this visceral feeling that only the Republicans had our backs; and, looking at the bland speech our normally eloquent president gave at West Point, which had the cadets engaging in well deserved Z’s, gives credence to those sentiments. I am almost certain that President Obama will be his eloquent self when he visits the Copenhagen climate conference, which will be positing AL Gore’s bogus “global warming” nonsense-this is now where the current Democratic Party passion lies. Who knows, maybe we will see again our President genuflecting to some foreign dignitary, akin to a typical weekend down at South Beach, Florida or Christopher Street in San Francisco.
-Verily Prime

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