Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The abomination that is most of Liberal or Progressive thinking is being threatened by Sarah Palin out of Alaska and the fight is on. I have never witnessed such rank hatred for anyone who has espoused a philosophy attacked from the left like Governor Palin. Those who are out in force personally attacking Palin, especially since the Alaskan governor is pushing a book, are not up in arms out of pure loyalty to their ideology, but out of defense to their way of making a living. Think of all the feminist mouthpieces that have made a very good living espousing the progressive ideas like the murder of the innocents; and, now having someone like Palin challenging this genocidal philosophy and who has the courage of her conviction by bringing into this world a baby that she knew before hand was impaired, is a formidable opponent. It does not help liberals that there is a popular wave, albeit from mostly Christian Fundamentalist like ourselves, who cannot be swayed by their perverted refrains. We have seen this before; the main reason that our Black Civil Rights leaders hated Clarence Thomas was because he threatened their monies borne out of a philosophy, which espoused, “sit on your asses and blame the white man” for every social ill that adversely affect Blacks. Sarah Palin has a platform and believes that abortion is murder; and because abortion or “choice” is the fulcrum the modern Feminist movement rests upon, we can understand the scorch earth posture--so the guardians of the hydra-like perversion must destroy Palin at all cost. Now as social conservatives, we are bathing in the glow of anything that is giving the liberals angst. To Gloria Steinem and the rest of the threatened Feminist movement, over 2000 years ago, a Man came espousing the Good News, healing the sick, raising the dead, and preaching a philosophy, which was difficult to ignore once heard. Notwithstanding what we Christians believe about who this man was and is, the practical reasons this extraordinary Man had to be crucified are legion--having no need for doctors, palm readers, celebrities, motivational speakers, gurus, lobbyists, media, politicians, farmers, and undertakers. Ironically, Sarah Palin is an ardent follower of this Divine Man.

-Verily Prime

1 comment:

  1. She is attacked so voraciously because she is a idiot of Jon and Kate status and not qualified to lead a PTA meeting, state nor a country - not because of her religion or her Christian beliefs. PERIOD!

    Dr. GEE
