I know that what took place in the respective gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey is not a representative sample, but I am hoping that there are cracks in the secular messiah’s “sheepdom.” I found it amazing how the Obama Administration had a spin for what took place, downplaying the many visits our teleprompter in chief made toVirginia and New Jersey . There appear that some in the sheepdom are no longer swayed by the empty eloquence of the secular savior, but is waiting out until said eloquence manifest itself into substance like jobs. There is much time left for President Obama to fix the economy and for the members of his sheepdom to again walk in lockstep with the president. In Maine , the people voted against same sex marriage, again, rejecting the tacit support from our secular messiah. I hear again that some members of the sheepdom are pushing that bogus analogy of equating the struggles of gays to that of blacks; I have counted twice, once in Deuteronomy and the other in Romans where the Christian faith specifically speak out against homosexual behavior-I dear anyone who read this blog to tell me where in the scriptures where it says that being black is against the tenets of Christianity. I am aware of the bill enacted recently that would prevent “hate speech” against gays, but mark my prose, that, probably in California or in New York, some gay will sue a preacher from quoting from Deuteronomy and Romans, which proscribed homosexual behavior, deeming it as “hate speech.” This type of law suit is a new phenomenon that is taking place in certain areas of Canada , which, I am certain, will make its way to these ever increasing secular litigious shores. In that same vein, there are Biblical tenets against those of us who have had sex without being marriage (Fornication); and those who are marriage having sex outside the marriage (Adultery); those who have stolen; or those who have covet someone or thing belonging to another; or lying; and those who bear false witness-all these behaviors are proscribed in the Bible, which, one could make the case that if any preacher quote scriptures chastising his flock against such listed behaviors would also be tantamount to “hate speech.”
-Verily Prime
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