Monday, April 5, 2010

Seeing Israel As An Enemy

When I was a boy in Saint Kitts, I had dreams of grandeur about making it to these much so that I would pepper my grandmother to tell me what she knew of America. I recalled then she would remind me that America's greatness was divine in nature due to its assistance to Israel. It was easy for me to accept that explanation then and now, like grandma, because I too believed in traditional Christianity (See Genesis Chapter 12 and verse 3). This is apparently not the same sentiment, culled from the Divine edict or otherwise, share by President Obama. In Washington, Israel, our staunchest ally, is being treated like a devout, rabid enemy because the Israelis dare build 1,600 settlements in East Jerusalem--Imagine, someone dictating to President Obama to stop building houses in Washington, DC. That is what we are telling Israel to do because we do not want to offend the Palestinians who wants Jerusalem to be their Capital. The situation in Israel vis-a-vis the Palestinians is akin to squatters living on your land and then although you are willing to share your land...they in turn...want it all. I supposed we should give Mexico back Arizona, California, and Texas....what makes their claim to these states different to what the Palestinians are trying to do to the Jewish people. Why stop there; Russia could make a claim that selling Alaska to us for a mere six million, probably the worst real estate deal in the history of such deals, to then Secretary of State Seaward was so a bad...that they want it back. Perhaps too, the Dutch who sold America the Virgin Islands for 25 million should also reneged...citing the pittance that they received for those islands. And what of the Louisiana Purchase from the French for 15 million or so-a deal that took place because Napoleon was getting his butt kicked down in Haiti. I say to Israel do not trust the Obama Administration in this matter nor in matters of its security for it is very obvious where the administration's loyalties lie. We are told by the president that he spent 20 years in the church of Jeremiah Wright...perhaps he never read Genesis 12:3...then again, Wright preaches a bogus, perverted gospel call Liberation Theology.
-Verily Prime

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