Thursday, October 29, 2009


There are times when the members of Verily Prime are so busy, mainly due to filial obligations, that we butcher the English language or we misspell words without correcting the blog; but we will never be too busy not to address the ever growing and malicious, vicious disrespect those in Hollywood or elsewhere carryout against the Christian faith. Such a gross depiction of disrespect for the Christian faith took place this past Sunday when Larry David of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fame supposedly, accidentally urinated on a portrait of Jesus’ face, causing the Catholics who saw the aftermath (tearful Jesus) to genuflect. This disrespect is getting so bad that this member of Verily Prime has been searching the scriptures, to no avail, for any Jihad clauses, among the four Gospels, which would allow me to justify harm to those who think they can continue to be immune from such insults (satire intended). Replace the picture of Jesus with that of the Quran, and HBO would have been surrounded and the Fatwa on Mr. David would have worked corruption of blood on Larry’s bloodline. In New York, years ago, then Mayor Koch, during the Christmas season, sanctioned the placing of a Crescent Moon and Menorah among the Nativity scene, but had grave issues with the manger scene, which had the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus-I have never heard of traditional Christians calling for the wholesale slaughter of the Jews, unlike many of those who represent the Crescent Moon. Another apt example happened a few years ago when famed Actor Robert Duval gave Stephen Spielberg a verbal shellacking because the latter had gone to Cuba and lauded Castro, even though Castro had a few days earlier summarily killed three journalists for criticizing his regime. Duval asked the fame director what if someone were lauding Hitler--most of Hollywood think they have the liberty to say anything about the Christian faith and they chalk it up under the all encompassing, “satire.” As an attorney, I know the merits of the First Amendment’s position on free speech, but it is a right that is qualified. If you were to visit the Vietnam War Memorial and urinated on it, God forbid, I would expect any veteran to give you a beat down, especially one who fought in Vietnam, notwithstanding satire or your First Amendment’s rights. Although my flesh does not like these insults against my faith, the Jesus I serve will never condone any harm that comes to my mind for the like of Larry David-in the mean time, Larry Johnson, a member of the Kansas City football team, was suspended for making a gay slur. Once again, we look through our vistas and see the twin malignancies of bias and political correctness amassing power.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


You were born on the Eastern Caribbean Island of St. Kitts and joined the armed forces
of the United States from the U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Thomas) and then did your duties in Vietnam. You are one of those veterans who seldom speak about your duties in that theatre, but I have seen your rusted medals. You then joined the boys in blue in Oakland, California, and then saw fit to bring me from abject poverty to these cornucopia shores in 1981. I remembered my brothers and I wanting a swimming pool and you agreed, provided that we get a paper route; we delivered the Oakland Tribune until we could raise the funds for the pool. I remembered being scared to death when we had to deliver over three hundred papers by ourselves because you were unexpectedly called to your real job. I remembered you teaching me to drive a stick shift and taking me down to the dreaded hills of San Francisco and hearing your constant admonition of, “stop with the Jack rabbit starts and don’t burn out my clutch.” I remembered once we had finished painting, and, on our way home, you stopped to have lunch at a McDonald in Martinez, California; when we entered, it seems that because we were Black, the white patrons were laughing and making fun at us. You didn’t panicked, but you exposed your police badge and revolver and proceeded to let your country mile length of credit cards deliberately be seen by said patrons whose giggling stopped abruptly. I remembered you making my brothers and I privy to certain proclivities of certain celebrities long before they came to light. I remembered how you had the ability to explain some philosophical concept, and, at the same time on Saturdays, break down you corvette and put it back together. I’ve always had benign envy for you for being an intellectual and also being mechanically inclined and my having no clue in the latter matters. Because of your well rounded faculties, my brother Louis and I scoured the dictionary to find a word to describe you, which was, “Factotum,” (Jack of all trades). In a past blog, I told those who read this blog how you would excoriate the members of Verily Prime when you don’t agree with us--which is seldom. Alas, you are not perfect because I wished that our blogs would slowly scrape the scales from your eyes, especially when it comes to our secular messiah president, and let you see the light, ala the Apostle Paul’s conversion on his way to Damascus. I know that you read the blog religiously, but whether you are now in Georgia, Greece, or Africa,I wish you a happy birthday dad and longevity in Christ Jesus.
-Verily Prime

Monday, October 26, 2009


It is rather daunting to see the debt clock in down-town Manhattan, which shows the money each individual must contribute to combat our growing deficit; moreover, to extrapolate the amount our children and grandchildren will owe in the future. Those who read this blog know that the members of Verily Prime seldom opine on mattes of economics because it is not our forte and that it is area of study where the players (economists) are schizophrenics-You know the phrase, “On one hand, but on the other hand.” There is no certainty in that science and I have to agree with my Contracts law professor who said that he just hope to one day meet a one arm economist. This debate about fiscal prudence shouldn't be a left or right issue; it affects us all. Think of all those countries we are privy to whose currencies are virtually worthless-some, we have taken advantage of by vacation in these countries because the “Greenback” took us far in our purchases. I am in no way suggesting that those who are engaging in profligate spending do not love their children or grand-children, but I see them as looking at the issue as one of degree, thinking that the situation is not as dire. Last week our rating agencies say in less than a decade our credit worthy profile would be akin to junk status. Once again, extrapolate and think of the kind of lifestyle this resulting super-inflation and the like would affect our children’s way of life. We only have to look at our own budget woes and juggling to have clues as to how our children’s lives will be. I myself is keeping hope alive for the day when I will see this one-arm economist, but I am also mindful of the sobering fact that the future loan sharks will not be wearing the typical wife-beaters and armed with Louisville sluggers, but probably representing two countries: one whose flags is lime green, accompanied by a menacing sword (Saudi Arabia); and the other with the backdrop of a blue sky, white skies, and wholly red earth (The Republic of China).
-Verily Prime

Friday, October 23, 2009


Something extraordinary happened a few days ago; members of the Fourth Estate refused the secular messiah president’s edict, which was to interview one of his minions without giving the Fox reporter the same courtesy. The members, even those from MSNBC, refused…telling the secular messiah representative that he must include Fox in the interviewing process-the secular messiah relented. God (upper case “G”) knows what awaits these members of the Fourth Estate for their defiance. The secular messiah pay Czar was about to delineate his reasons and rationale for curtailing the pay/perks of those corporation CEOs, which received TARP monies. Once again, I see the logic of requesting those corporations that received tax payers money to be fiscally responsible….what I rail against is the breaching of laws that recognize the principles of contract law, and for me is even more grating, is the fact that for the umpteenth time is being promulgated by a president who once taugh Con-Law. I will repeat this again to the pay Czar, you are a partner at white Shoe law firm that bills hundred of dollars an hour for your firm services-you, being a partner, make literally hundred of thousands annually…are you going to give yourself a pay cut…? Moreover, what of the hundred of millions that the current governor of New Jersey (Corzine) walked away with when he ran Goldman Sachs…? Czar, are you going after Al Gore? Mr. Gore has made over $100 million pushing his charlatan global warming agenda…to what many deemed as junk science. To get back to the defiance and quickening of the members of the Fourth Estate and President Obama’s relenting in allowing Fox into the interview; I am tempted to invoke the Rolling Stones song lyrics, which is more apt for our secular messiah: it goes, “I was around when our [secular messiah] had his moment of doubt….”
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


In a recent discussion about President Obama, one member of the discussion, a Warren Ballentine, called the other member, Juan Williams, a name, which, in essence was akin to a “house negro.” This is what many blacks who support Obama resort to when other blacks criticize the “secular savior.” The irony is that Juan Williams has never voted Republican, and in fact, voted for President Barack Obama. This debate on the O’reilly’s “Factor” was of particular interest to me because I attended law school with Warren Ballentine; I will not belittle Warren’s education because both of us know how hard we had to work to graduate law school, but I was surprise when Warren resort with such ease and in such a cavalier fashion to brand a life-long black democrat as not worthy of his heritage because of critique of Obama. I remembered Warren because I once beseeched him not to write his graduating paper, something required at our law school, because it was on pornography. The reason I tried to talk Warren out of it was because the Ex Attorney General of Ohio, who taught the class, was a traditional Christian and I suspected Warren chose that topic to get a rise out of the Christian Professor. I would like to ask Warren, along with his ilk, was the martyrdom of John Brown, a white man who died because of his beliefs against slavery less important than the martyrdom of MLK or the Jewish kids who died in Mississippi sacrifice any less important or the Quakers who spoke out against the “peculiar institution” long before it was in vogue to do so less important because they were white? I list those above to show that many non-blacks contributed to our freedom and that the Warren Ballentines do not have a monopoly on how to be black. Like the Bryant Gumbles of the world, who were quick to brand everything that Bush did as racist, they have no qualms about leaving their black wives to be with white women-now, as a Christian, there is nothing wrong with interracial marriage…But to hear these guys opine on race, it’s unbelievable. In addition, I am reminded how Warren used to boast about how many white women he bedded down at law school; he is like those racist slave owners who waxed poetic about the negatives about being blacks, yet could not wait to enter the shacks and have sex with their black female slaves. Of course, the Bryant Gumbles and Warren will say that you could be a cad and still be pro-black-likewise, Juan Williams could be black and still criticize Obama. I can only imagine what Warren would say about this member of Verily Prime who saw the true nature of the “secular savior” before he was elevated to Mount Sinai--ironically again by a populace that is only15% black-go figure….
-Verily Prime

Sunday, October 18, 2009


The secular messiah and his minions have continued with their jihad against
Fox News--but weep not for Fox because their ratings have spiral, notwithstanding what our “Narcissist of State” had intended. It must be disheartening to the vanity administration that many of those who make up the Fourth Estate (Media) have come out in support of Fox. Now, it is not that the members of the Fourth Estate, who overwhelmingly support Obama, support Fox, but, apparently, they do not have the courage of their convictions in believing that this is the 1000 years reign of the secular messiah…they are looking to the future when perhaps Republicans will occupy the White House again and fear the “tit for tat,” ala the Nixon Administration. In the media, like elsewhere, it is all about looking out for me…so that the Fourth Estate, though the majority of them have drank the Kool-Aid, they have taken the antidote, which allowed them to look at the future objectively, if only borne out of self preservation. Jesus, the real Messiah, never tried to destroy the Sanhedrin (Fox News), even though that He knew its leader, Caiaphas, (Glenn Beck) would sanction his death--I wonder if our secular messiah would be irate because we referred to him in a lower case “m.” There may be hope because if I recalled there were members of the Sanhedrin who believed in the Christ…lest we forget Joseph of Arimathea who provided the tomb to bury the Messiah for his three-day repose....
-Verily Prime

Monday, October 12, 2009


There has been a de facto propaganda war going on between our secular messiah president administration and Fox news because the latter has been a fly in the ointment/ambrosia provided by our secular messiah. Over the weekend, operatives from the White House officially elevated the de facto war to the status of dejure. I am amazed how the Obama supporters have such limited vistas and conveniently forget the coverage of the last occupant of the White House; yet, with the coverage by their subjective mouthpieces on MSNBC, the Obama White House still engages in the constant refrain of bitching or balling like stereotypical gays caught up in Spain’s running of the bulls. All newscasters, even those at the loathsome MSNBC, put much stock into the Pew research, which has reported that FOX news have been fair to both Senator McCain and President Obama in its coverage during the election process. I am emboldened that the Pew research also named FOX watchers as the most intelligent and informed and consist of across section of liberals, conservatives, and independents. I say to our secular president and minions do the objective math. Tomorrow or later, someone’s pet will do some trick, which then will be placed on You Tube; this pet will get more ratings than anything that you will see on MSNBC. Of course, if I want to know what it was like during the Cold War, then listen or turn to MSNBC to hear the modern version of Pravda, which once represented the Soviet Union-Nyet!
-Verily Prime

Thursday, October 8, 2009


It is being reported that Russia, Japan, China, France, and Saudi Arabia are floating the idea of replacing the “Greenback” with a basket of currencies. I expected this from the Russians and the Chinese, but from the others--it was shocking. I understand the Russians salivating over the thought of replacing our dollar because of the shellacking they took from us during the Cold War, which cost them the Soviet Union. China, on the other hand, is fledgling, sapling Hegemon and is expected to be flexing its muscles because of our polar opposite political ideology, and we being the current top dog. I could even understand the French whose capital is named after a historical coward (Paris); incidentally, it is said that all French males are born with an extra appendage (a white flag), which is excised by the time they leave the hospital. I am not even going into details about the 40000 Americans who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy…saving the French from the Nazis. The Japanese are bold too because although we rightfully decimated them after their attacks on Pearl Harbor, General MacArthur undertook what amounted to the Marshall Plan for the Far East…rebuilding their economy to what it is now. I have a feeling that in the not too distance future that our Japanese brothers will be seeking our help because of their ever growing belligerent and historical neighbor enemy, the Chinese. As for the House of Saud, we have saved them from Saddam during Desert Storm because, notice the relatively short distance between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Do we think Saddam would have stopped at Kuwait with the Saudi vast oil reserves a hop and a skip down the road? The Saudis have shown their true colors when they funded and still are funding schools that graduate students like those who were responsible for 911--it is why it is prudent to drill, drill and send these Shiite and Sunnis back to the Stone Ag e. The irony is that a couple of weeks ago, it was shown that some of America’s aid was slotted for Russia-go figure. To my Chinese, Russian, French, Saudi, and Japanese friends, look around your respective homes and I am certain that all the amenities that you have were invented in the United States--OK, I give some props to the Japanese in this respect, but you get the picture….I am being reminded by the other member of Verily Prime that our friends/allies are taking precaution because of our secular messiah president profligate spending.
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Notwithstanding our secular messiah president making the olive branch speech to the Muslim world in Egypt, many of those practicing the religion of peace are still hell-bent on killing us. It has been a few weeks since a Pakistani living in Colorado was arrested for plotting to blow up trains in New York, akin to what happened in Spain and England. Again, I am stunned that our secular messiah president force of personality hasn’t transferred to the would-be Pakistani terrorist. We have written in the past on the issue on how that even though our cousins across the pond provide cradle to grave assistance (The Dole) to many Muslims residing there, 20% of them are eager to engage in Jihad-I supposed if I had to enjoy the pleasure of a perpetual slate of 72 virgins in paradise, I would choose Jihad too, in stead of enjoying the largesse of the British. This Pakistani who plotted to kill us here in New York was enjoying a good job ferrying passengers to and fro from the Colorado airport--I wonder how many of my brothers and sisters would have covet such a job, but alas, 72 Arab virgins are quite an incentive and the perpetuity perk I supposed was to hard to resist for our Pakistani immigrant. We are told that there may be some dozen or so Jihadists that were part of the plot and are somewhere out there--I wonder if instead of a plot to bombNew City subways, that they had procured dirty bombs? Would the craven crowd out there bedevil people like me from torturing Zazi (arrested Jihadist) to find the bomb? I personally would support torturing Zazi, the Pakistani that was caught planning to bomb our subways; after all, my siblings, wife and daughter ride the subways, among countless innocent others. One would think that since our secular messiah president (Moses) has led us through the wilderness of the Bush (Pharaoh) years, that the land of milk/honey and manna would entice the likes of Zazi to resist Jihad and enjoy the visual spectacle that are the Rockies. I am told because of recent blasphemies that our secular messiah president will be making another trip to Mount Sinai--oops, I meantMecca or Medina….
-Verily Prime

Saturday, October 3, 2009


In the Gospels, we are told that, Jesus, the son of God, petitioned the Apostle
Peter to procure a denarius from a fish’s mouth to pay their taxes--thus, rendering unto Caesar. I figure if the Son of God can render unto to Caesar,
who are we that are bit over weight? There is a move afoot in Washington to tax those who are obese--The fiscal logic is that a disproportionate amount of monies are allocated to the attendant diseases that come with being overweight. Let me play an objective advocate, without the fetters of political correctness--do you think if some fundamentalist, Republican legislatures were to enact a law for having gays pay more taxes, the outrage would be deafening. One could make the case that there are many a diseases that are associated and prevalent among those who engage in homosexual behavior. With that said, I hope that they raise the taxes dramatically for those residing in Miami’s South Beach, San Francisco, New York’s Upper East Side, LA/Hollywood, and basically any English men residing here. To my friend in New Jersey, I know what you are thinking, what if you are fat and gay?
-Verily Prime

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reality Check

Today, David Letterman testified before a New York grand jury that he was
being extorted for millions by someone privy to the fact he was having
dalliances with female members of his staff-some how, I almost certain that, it is George Bush’s fault, but I jest. Normally, the members of Verily Prime pay no attention to these idiot savants of vanity, but Letterman is an exception. Let me confess, because Sarah Palin causes Liberals so much angst, this instantly made me one of her most avid supporters. The malignant vitriol spewed at Sarah Palin was unprecedented…and Letterman was one of the leaders of the projectile vomiting. I have written before in past blogs about those whose rotting skeletons were v isible and smelling up the place, but those same people would berate others about their skeletons that were emaciated and dried up. Are we going to hear any jokes about Letterman’s dilemma from the press or fellow comedians--of course not…and that is how it should be. I only wished that they would engage in the same self editing and decency when the feet of clay belong to Republicans, or moreover, traditional Christians. What would happen if the like of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity were to send their producers out and question Letterman’s wife or track down his ten-year-old son, querying the boy about his dad’s serial infidelity? The truth is neither Glenn nor Sean would even entertain such a thought-can we say the same for Letterman or his ilk? When I was in law school, my roommates would ask me, why is it I prayed so much? I told them I did so because, I, as a Christian, knew how much flesh and blood I am. Perhaps, tomorrow morning, Letterman will use his toilet and I hope the familiar smell emanating from his ornate bathroom reminds him that he too is flesh and blood. To paraphrase a line from Shakespeare’s, the Merchant of Venice, “If you prick me, don’t I bleed….
-Verily Prime