Friday, February 26, 2010


In our most recent blog titled “The Needed Good Faith Compromise,” we had one of the strangest critiques we’ve ever received. Said critique wasn’t one over the prose or what seemed like the even keel, tempered position we posit on health care reform, but alas on our mentioning of Jesus, the Christ. We do not know who you are, but I say to you we will always reference Jesus!!! So from now on, when you see any blog from “Verily Prime,” err on the side of caution that you are going to be offended because every chance we get…and if the reference of the Christ is apt, we will use “Him.” We say to all of you who read this blog, and even if we were making mad mammon in writing this blog, and everyone of you decided to stop reading the blog unless we abandoned references and reverence to Jesus-then that would be the end of the blog. Again to you who were offended because we referenced Jesus, avert your eyes. I am tempted to make privy to you information, which will enable you to meet us in person, but that would be the old us-incidentally and ironically, it is a meeting that Jesus wouldn’t sanction…We thank God for his grace…for all of our sake….
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It is no coincidence that over seventy percent of all our legislatures are lawyers--it is a testament as to where power and influence lie. In addition, if one would also do the research, you will find that most of our presidents have been lawyers, including the current president. Notwithstanding the countless lawyer jokes or what Shakespeare had to say about them in his works or what Jesus, The Christ, said about them in the Gospel of Luke, these lawyers still hold sway in the halls of power. This undue influence that lawyers have on our legislative process is pronounced in our current, protracted debate on health-care reform. Both Republican and Democrat have this stumbling block of lawyers working on their behalf. For years, the Democrats have been beholden to the largess of the trial lawyers and have done nothing to curtail the spate of litigation (Tort Reform) borne out of the lucrative medical malpractice. I am not advocating that doctors, who do harm, via negligence to their patients, should not be held liable, but said patients should not be made instant millionaires. This adversely affects insurance rates and ultimately the general care in the medical field. Lest our Republicans friends start cheering, you too are beholden to the lawyers who represent the insurance companies. This means that the insurance companies, via their insurance lobbyist lawyers, thwart legislation to curtail reform that would benefit the consumer. This Mexican stand-off between those who oppose tort reform and those advocating on the part of the insurance companies have been holding health-care reform hostage for quite sometime. There is a template in Mississippi on how this would work and the empirical evidence so far bodes well for lawyers and consumers alike. If only this compromise could take root nationally…so that the public at large does not suffer. I am reminded that when Spock died in the Star Trek movie, “The Wrath of Khan,” when he was asked why he made the ultimate sacrifice, the Vulcan Spock replied that, “The need of many outweighs the needs of the few or the one. I hope that my fellow lawyers take note.
-Verily Prime

Thursday, February 18, 2010


In Greek mythology, Cassandra was a prophetess, who would dream dreams, which were true, but was cursed by the Greek gods so that no one would believe her warnings she gleaned from her dreams. The state of California is like one of Cassandra’s recurring dreams manifested, which warned us about the consequences of fiscal irresponsibility. The reason this is of import is because California is that negative template and the proverbial elephant in the room of what not do in dealing with our growing, alarming national crises we are facing vis-à-vis burdensome taxes, cap and trade, deficits, and the radical environmentalist agenda. Late last year, we watched on the program “Sixty Minutes,” with mouths agape, while radical environmentalists engineered a scheme preventing thousands of farmers from farming their lands in California because, supposedly a Minot, a tiny fish was endangered. As a consequence, the farms are now arid and literally thousands of farmers and their extended families were left in dire straits. We are not here to say that the choices that have to be made will be easy, but those same difficult choices will have to made on the National level. If California who have so much--oil, gold, an exporter of Rice, vegetables, wine, apples, oranges, fish, and Hollywood movies--is struggling, then what of Michigan, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio, New York, etc, and the National Government who are in similar dire fiscal situation? We pray that we open our eyes and that we are not like those denizens in mythological Greecewho ignored Cassandra’s warnings, and moreover the empirical evidence, as seen in the template of California. Years ago, the author of this blog was watching the show “Jeopardy” and the answer to one of the questions was that California was so rich that if it were a country, it would be the seventh richest-I longed for California to regain that mantle…for it bodes well for the United States in general.
-Verily Prime

Monday, February 15, 2010


The members of Verily Prime seldom blog about the mostly degenerates that
make up our pop culture, but sometimes it is warranted because the given issue being currently noised might have dove-tailed into an issue we have blogged about in the past-such is the case with John Mayer’s recent racist diatribe he gave to Playboy Magazine. I must confess that it took my wife and the other member of this blog to clue me into who John Mayer is. To reiterate what John Mayer said--the half-white, half-Jewish pop guitarist vocalist--was that his penis basically has a David Duke’s (one time leader of a branch of the KKK) mentality in choosing whether to have sex with black women, though he would apparently make exceptions for Holly Robinson Peete and Keri Washington. Now throw out all the political correctness and the verbal beat-downs John have been taking and be honest in realizing that Mayer only said out loud what many say, including many of those now doing the criticism, in the privacy of their homes. The clues are available to cull from: how many successful white athletes, musicians, actors, politicians, business men, you see have black women as their wives? Now look at the opposite--Imagine Tiger Woods being the Tiger Woods from “down the way,” I supposed he would have ended up with that glorified baby-sitter from Europe. John Mayer was speaking the truth-only that we cannot face the reality. The likes of Mayer would marry or sleep with a Beyonce or an Oprah in a heart beat if it would give them “street cred” or the so called “Ghetto Pass” or moreover, because those black women are more successful than he is. Notwithstanding that we have our first black president in Barack Obama, do not make the mistake of measuring race relations through that prism. The true barometer on race relations is when the John Mayers or the successful white actresses signed on and green-light an interracial romance or in real life date black men--It will not happen because the general public frowns on such relationships. John will suffer for his racist honesty, but every time you watch such reality shows as the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette,” and see the token black girl or black guy, recognize it for what it is…a reflection of our society. While we are on the subject matter, the members of Verily Prime are still smarting over the fact that Tiger Woods’ penis, like John Mayer’s, didn’t fancy not one black girl among the many he bedded-where is bloody Al Sharpton to opine on the issue….
-Verily Prime

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Since the tragedy in Haiti, we have seen the generosity of the American people; among those contributing to the much needed relief are religious groups like the one out of the Mid-West, which today, had ten of its members charged in Haiti with criminal activities, including conspiracy for trafficking children. Apparently, these ten people were caught with Haitian children, after crossing over to the Dominican Republic, without the necessary legal documents. Now, I understand the utility of said laws because of the advent of rampant pedophilia in our world now-but an exception should be made for these ten because their organization has since been vetted and proved it has a stellar reputation for placing children in good adoptive homes. It is rather telling about the priority place on religion by those who now occupy the current White House since not one representative was present when the ten were being charged in the Haitian court room-if these ten were charged in attempting to blow up a plane in the name of Allah, their ivy counsel (s) would have been probably summoned and waiting…procured by our Attorney General, Eric Holder-but I digress. The truth is that there is a part of me that feels that if these ten good Samaritans are punished for their good deeds, then all religious organizations should take note and leave, but, alas, that would be unchristian. With my emotions tempered, I realized that to have the other religious organizations move out of Haiti would be tantamount to having the babies be thrown out with the proverbial bath water. With that said, I hope the Haitian authorities will have mercy on these ten who were trying to do good by the children that were taken. I remind the the Haitian authorities that there are three billion dollars missing…given to that country from the coffers of these United Statessince the Clinton Administration to now. Concentrate on finding the monies and bringing to justice those who have stolen the money from the “Kleptocracy” that is the Haitian Government. Long after this tragedy and its lingering consequences and when the celebrities have moved on to some other cause…the various religious organizations will be there doing yeoman’s work like they have been before the devastating earthquake.…
-Verily Prime