Friday, August 21, 2009

A Bad Fortnight For Our Secular Messiah

It is being telegraphed so that one can see it coming from a country mile away; we see and hear some of the president’s supporters intimating that the protesters against his health care reform policies are racists. Someone enlighten me, but I thought that Blacks only make up 15% of the population, which means many of my whites brothers and sisters voted for our secular messiah. The bad fortnight President Obama is having and the likes of MSNBC disparaging the protesters as racists is akin to the proverbial Blackman trying to catch a cab in Manhattan. How many times have we heard some Black male celebrity opining on not being able to catch cab in some major city--no doubt this is a legitimate gripe and sometimes, indeed, racist. But let us supposed that these cab drivers who refused to pick up a Blackman because he is genuinely afraid for his life-should he put his life in what he sees as genuine danger, even if the cab driver is misguided in reading the occupant’s intentions. I do no t know what is going on in these folk’s minds who are protesting; if they are doing so because of hatred for the first black president-shame on them, but I cannot second guess them because I really do not know. Now when the cab story is told, it is confined in politically correct verbiage; the truth is that in Brooklyn where members of Verily Prime reside, there are taxi drivers who will not pick us up, especially if we are asking to go to certain areas of Brooklyn-incidentally, these cabbies are Black. Why is it that it is ok for Black cabbies to be genuinely concern about picking up some Black men and not none black cabbies in Manhattan….? We have written in past blogs how race is that cancerous wound that works corruption of blood and that no matter how upright a Blackman may be in his every day life, there are those who will always hate him. This does not mean that we should paint everyone--protesters against the president’s domestic agenda--with the collective racist brush.

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