Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The abomination that is most of Liberal or Progressive thinking is being threatened by Sarah Palin out of Alaska and the fight is on. I have never witnessed such rank hatred for anyone who has espoused a philosophy attacked from the left like Governor Palin. Those who are out in force personally attacking Palin, especially since the Alaskan governor is pushing a book, are not up in arms out of pure loyalty to their ideology, but out of defense to their way of making a living. Think of all the feminist mouthpieces that have made a very good living espousing the progressive ideas like the murder of the innocents; and, now having someone like Palin challenging this genocidal philosophy and who has the courage of her conviction by bringing into this world a baby that she knew before hand was impaired, is a formidable opponent. It does not help liberals that there is a popular wave, albeit from mostly Christian Fundamentalist like ourselves, who cannot be swayed by their perverted refrains. We have seen this before; the main reason that our Black Civil Rights leaders hated Clarence Thomas was because he threatened their monies borne out of a philosophy, which espoused, “sit on your asses and blame the white man” for every social ill that adversely affect Blacks. Sarah Palin has a platform and believes that abortion is murder; and because abortion or “choice” is the fulcrum the modern Feminist movement rests upon, we can understand the scorch earth posture--so the guardians of the hydra-like perversion must destroy Palin at all cost. Now as social conservatives, we are bathing in the glow of anything that is giving the liberals angst. To Gloria Steinem and the rest of the threatened Feminist movement, over 2000 years ago, a Man came espousing the Good News, healing the sick, raising the dead, and preaching a philosophy, which was difficult to ignore once heard. Notwithstanding what we Christians believe about who this man was and is, the practical reasons this extraordinary Man had to be crucified are legion--having no need for doctors, palm readers, celebrities, motivational speakers, gurus, lobbyists, media, politicians, farmers, and undertakers. Ironically, Sarah Palin is an ardent follower of this Divine Man.

-Verily Prime

Friday, November 13, 2009


We cannot satisfy this Trojan horse housing jihadists with carrots or oats; but I am hoping that we have the political will and wherewithal to turn this cancerous animal from the equine family into innocuous glue-and to do so painfully and with extreme prejudice. About six weeks ago, a female colleague of this member made the trek to England and conveyed to the members of Verily Prime, via e-mail, that what we have blogged about in the past on America having to go in sometime in the near future to rescue the English from Muslim jihadists is rapidly becoming a reality. The British, who once had great warriors like Lord Admiral Nelson, are now cowering with their once reliable “stiff upper lip” quaking and giving in to radical Islamist out of sheer fear. Our cousins across the pond have resort to political correctness to appease the jihadists…fining and arresting Christians for proselytizing. America has now adopted the British failed policy of appeasement, via many in the Fourth Estate, by invoking political correctness. Look on how the media are pushing the spurious position that the Muslim terrorist who murdered 14--and I say 14--because I also counted the baby in one of the victim’s womb, as criminal or that he was suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. The media have gone out of their way to portray this terrorist act as a criminal matter, neglecting the cry to God (Allah Akbar), as are the terrorists wont, before engaging in wanton murder like what took place at Fort Hood. I will boldly say that, in years to come, those who now look at George Bush with hatred will be thankful for his pro-active efforts in combating Muslim terrorism. It may be a rhetorical question for most of us, but does anyone thinks that the jihadists fear our secular messiah like how they feared President Bush? As far I can tell now that if you carry a gun, while murdering in the name of Allah, and not bombs, it is no longer consider a terrorist act in the eyes of many in the media and so far for the secular messiah’s administration too-As I am writing this blog, it is being reported that Attorney General Holder has decided to put on trial, in our courts in New York, the mastermind of 911. This educated empty suit of a president is doing his best to out do Jimmy Carter as our worst president; as my Canadians brothers would say, “to bout,” that he has only been in office for only a year.
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have seen you share your rations, your water in your canteen with those
who hunger and those who thirst; I have heard how you absorbed the grenade, living the words of David’s 23rd Psalm by fearing no evil and willingly walked into the shadow of the valley of death…I have seen your dead bodies in Africa, paying penance for doling out food to the hungry and in the Balkans fighting genocidal sociopaths for our Muslim brothers and sisters; I have seen politicians of all stripes using you as props to further their venal careers; I have seen those who were born in August surroundings, who went to school in August surrounding, and now are employed in August surroundings, deciding your fate; I have witnessed those in loafers and cardigan sweaters drinking tea with their pinkies elevated and eating crumpets, while disparaging your service, not realizing that you gave them the right to do so; I have seen Jane Fonda making a mint off exercise tapes, while you struggle to put food on your table for your own family; I have seen you struggle to mend your tattered conscience because of the nature of
war; and I have seen the white crosses adorning the landscape of Western Europe and Forest Lawn. And in the wee hours of awe when I look in on my wife and daughter sleeping in safety-it’s because of you; when my daughter is telling me to buy her this or that-it’s because of you; when I have to watch Hannah Montana or Dora the explorer–it’s because of you; on Sundays when I worship the Christ in freedom-it’s because of you; and when I watch my God-awful Oakland Raiders-it’s because of you. I honor these soldiers: Kenneth Temple who taught me about the fairer sex; to John who introduced me to ACDC and Def Leppard and I returning the favor by introducing him Bob Marley; to Sergeant Pablo who fed us his wife “Kimchi” and snake in the desert of Yakima; to Sergeant Autry who daily ran us 7-10 miles at Fort Lewis; To Master Sergeant Williams who would deliberately cut the Com lines in the dead of night I had laid down on the German tundra--so to build my fortitude and discipline; to Captain flowers who, while we were training in the German Mountains, went out to pick up our mail and never came back. To paraphrase Colin Powell, when our soldiers fall in defense of noble Democracy, all we ask is for enough earth to honor and bury our dead; moreover, it was the Christ who said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for” Have a festive Memorial Day honored living and dead….
-Verily Prime


I have seen you share your rations, your water in your canteen with those
who hunger and those who thirst; I have heard how you absorbed the grenade, living the words of David’s 23rd Psalm by fearing no evil and willingly walked into the shadow of the valley of death…I have seen your dead bodies in Africa, paying penance for doling out food to the hungry and in the Balkans fighting genocidal sociopaths for our Muslim brothers and sisters; I have seen politicians of all stripes using you as props to further their venal careers; I have seen those who were born in August surroundings, who went to school in August surrounding, and now are employed in August surroundings, deciding your fate; I have witnessed those in loafers and cardigan sweaters drinking tea with their pinkies elevated and eating crumpets, while disparaging your service, not realizing that you gave them the right to do so; I have seen Jane Fonda making a mint off exercise tapes, while you struggle to put food on your table for your own family; I have seen you struggle to mend your tattered conscience because of the nature of
war; and I have seen the white crosses adorning the landscape of Western Europe and Forest Lawn. And in the wee hours of awe when I look in on my wife and daughter sleeping in safety-it’s because of you; when my daughter is telling me to buy her this or that-it’s because of you; when I have to watch Hannah Montana or Dora the explorer–it’s because of you; on Sundays when I worship the Christ in freedom-it’s because of you; and when I watch my God-awful Oakland Raiders-it’s because of you. I honor these soldiers: Kenneth Temple who taught me about the fairer sex; to John who introduced me to ACDC and Def Leppard and I returning the favor by introducing him Bob Marley; to Sergeant Pablo who fed us his wife “Kimchi” and snake in the desert of Yakima; to Sergeant Autry who daily ran us 7-10 miles at Fort Lewis; To Master Sergeant Williams who would deliberately cut the Com lines in the dead of night I had laid down on the German tundra--so to build my fortitude and discipline; to Captain flowers who, while we were training in the German Mountains, went out to pick up our mail and never came back. To paraphrase Colin Powell, when our soldiers fall in defense of noble Democracy, all we ask is for enough earth to honor and bury our dead; moreover, it was the Christ who said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for” Have a festive Memorial Day honored living and dead….
-Verily Prime

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Some months ago, before our president heard the details of what took place between the Boston Police and Professor Gates, our president deemed the former “stupid;” however, yesterday, when a Muslim terrorist shouted Allah Akbar before gunning down fourteen innocent lives, our president said don’t jump to any conclusions. In addition, Time Magazine and Newsweek are implying that because the terrorist was scheduled to serve in the war theatre, he felt stressed because he would have had to attend to psychologically to those US soldiers who were supposedly in the theatre to kill Muslims. Long ago, I refused to read these magazines because they see the truth as being relative. I am certain that the Germans immigrants, who mostly settled in the Philadelphia area, fought their Nazi brothers and that many Japanese Americans did the same against their brothers, and moreover, during the Clinton Administration, my white brothers and sisters, who were soldiers, bled and died, ironically, protecting Muslims in the Balkans. We are told that the terrorist was called a racist name, and therefore, his murderous actions were justified. As avid movie aficionados, the members of Verily Prime have heard blacks being referred to as “niggers” in the classic God Father movies and many of the early Quinton Tarrantino’s movies, I supposed now we are justified to go out and kill our white brothers and sisters. Time Magazine had nothing to say about the terrorist joining of the Armed Forces on his own volition and who subsequently received excellent schooling and pay. I will conclude by saying that I will not judge all Muslims collectively, but that there is a malignant strain among them that must be wiped out. I have read that Putin, in dealing with that malignant strain that murdered hundred of innocent children years ago in the former Soviet Union, had the dead terrorists buried in swine--bravo, bravo, to the Russians. I hope the American people look at their cousins across the pond and prepare themselves for what is rapidly approaching these shores, if its not here already.
-Verily Prime

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I know that what took place in the respective gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey is not a representative sample, but I am hoping that there are cracks in the secular messiah’s “sheepdom.” I found it amazing how the Obama Administration had a spin for what took place, downplaying the many visits our teleprompter in chief made toVirginia and New Jersey. There appear that some in the sheepdom are no longer swayed by the empty eloquence of the secular savior, but is waiting out until said eloquence manifest itself into substance like jobs. There is much time left for President Obama to fix the economy and for the members of his sheepdom to again walk in lockstep with the president. In Maine, the people voted against same sex marriage, again, rejecting the tacit support from our secular messiah. I hear again that some members of the sheepdom are pushing that bogus analogy of equating the struggles of gays to that of blacks; I have counted twice, once in Deuteronomy and the other in Romans where the Christian faith specifically speak out against homosexual behavior-I dear anyone who read this blog to tell me where in the scriptures where it says that being black is against the tenets of Christianity. I am aware of the bill enacted recently that would prevent “hate speech” against gays, but mark my prose, that, probably in California or in New York, some gay will sue a preacher from quoting from Deuteronomy and Romans, which proscribed homosexual behavior, deeming it as “hate speech.” This type of law suit is a new phenomenon that is taking place in certain areas of Canada, which, I am certain, will make its way to these ever increasing secular litigious shores. In that same vein, there are Biblical tenets against those of us who have had sex without being marriage (Fornication); and those who are marriage having sex outside the marriage (Adultery); those who have stolen; or those who have covet someone or thing belonging to another; or lying; and those who bear false witness-all these behaviors are proscribed in the Bible, which, one could make the case that if any preacher quote scriptures chastising his flock against such listed behaviors would also be tantamount to “hate speech.”
-Verily Prime