Saturday, January 30, 2010


What if during President Bush’s presidency and during the convoking of the August body, which is the gathering of those who attended The State of The Union address, that we, along with the rest of the world, witnessed a Presidential Bully-Pulpit “dissed” by Bush of the other two equal branches (Legislative and Judiciary) of our government? We would have heard what a dunce that Presidential Bush was and is for breaching such a protocol. Yet, this is what took place when President Obama during his State of The Union Address did when he disrespected the Judiciary--Third Branch of our government--over one of its recent decisions. It is the constant refrain of the author of this blog that President Obama was a Constitutional Law professor; it must be underscored that Obama was on “Law Review” and graduated top of his Harvard Law class, yet he often says and acts otherwise. The only conclusion we can come to is that President Obama is depending on his “cult of personality,” whereby no matter how egregious his actions are-he gets a past because of supposedly his Adonis looks and the fact that supposedly he speaks with the tongue of angels or more aptly like the famous Roman orator, Cicero. Now those who are biased is blaming Supreme Court Justice Alito for mouthing back to President Obama that he was mistaken about the law in question, which the latter took umbrage to. How dear a member of one the equal branches of our government speak back to the secular messiah? Now, if former president Bush, during his State of The Union Address, had said to the members of the court who support Roe (the case that codified the whole-sale slaughter of the unborn under the auspices of women’s rights) and, moreover, to the one member of Roe’s author that is still on the Supreme Court, that he was a murderer, the press and the world would have had a stroke. Ironically, the second Executive Order President Obama signed when he took office was to restore the funding to foreign countries for abortions-yet, President Bush is the one known as a murderer. Last week, in the wake of the Democrats losing in Massachusetts, one retiring Democratic, from Arkansas, perhaps reading the political tea leaves, told President Obama that to prevent the loss of many seats in the coming mid-term elections, he must compromise or shelve health-care reform. President Obama replied that the reason health-care failed under former President Clinton was because, “they did not have him.” Not even the cult evangelist Jim Jones drank his own Kool-Aid, which he supplied to his flock down in Guyana that killed over 900 hundred souls-Jones’ body was found riddled with bullets. Apparently, our current secular messiah president drinks his own Kool-Aid….
-Verily Prime

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