Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Prodigals of Capitol Hill

I am certain that the great chasm supposedly found around Bermuda (The Triangle) has relocated somewhere near Capitol Hill and the Democrats are privy to this fact and feed it the peoples’ money. No one knows for sure when the Triangle changed its diet from transports conveyors to greenbacks-but it has happened. And no need for you to investigate, the scientists are all Democrats–or Democrats lite (Olympia Snow, etc) and like the global warming data, it is all doctored to show the merits of profligate spending. In addition, like the data surrounding the mostly bogus science surrounding the new secular religion, Global Warming, there is also no room for scientific peer review, and moreover, dissent. Most of us who benefit from this spending are short sighted and lack the discipline needed to say, No. Such largess from Congress is like an attractive nuisance; think dangling ice-scream in front of a child or corruption in front of a Chicago politician, unless you are the current secular messiah president. I am hoping that the Triangle changes its diet again and becomes a head hunter, specifically for profligate spending politicians and that its appetite will be triggered and sated by these prodigals governing our fiscal house. In the mean time, we the people who see and know the merits of securing a fiscally responsible future for our children should be vigilant in persuading those who are hooked on the drug of free money. This war to throw out the mammon-like drugs dealers out of Washington will be a formidable battle because charts and projections are poor substitutes for the tangibles offered from the prodigals from DC. Our greatest appeal is to the filial nature of our people by posing to them the hard questions that must be asked: Do we really want to leave our children owing to the future loan sharks, (Chinese and the Saudis), who are more dangerous than those who dressed in wife-beaters, wielding Louisville sluggers to collect? The latter may break bones, but the former will take our children’s souls, via their way of life, because of their brutish, respective means of curtailing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? I conclude by saying that unlike the Prodigal Son in the Bible whose father gained riches by practicing animal husbandry and had a visible, tangible abundance of animals (the currency then) to replace his son’s loss, we do not. So come on Bermuda Triangle, your mouth is wider and your appetite more insatiable than the 435 ogres managing our fiscal house on Capitol Hill. Bon Appetit!
-Verily Prime

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