Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Trojan Horse That is a Palestinian State

There is a clamor by those of all political stripes for the creation of a Palestinian state, erected side by side by the
Jewish State. On this issue, I will take no lesson from the trees, which are swaying in the direction of the prevailing breeze, and follow those who are calling for a Palestinian State. I think such a PLO state would be a fatal thorn planted in Israel’s midst, which will cause its destruction. A Palestinian state would work in favor of Iran, Israel’s modern day nemesis, and enable the Iranians to have a beach head to wreak havoc on the Jewish State. Iran already has its surrogates, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, doing its bidding and virtually running the Lebanese government; now, if there is a Palestinian State, Iran would have its surrogates in the midst of the Jewish State. The Palestinians voted in Hamas to be their leaders and because of the Iranian influence, Israel hasn’t seen any peace dividends from the Palestinian peoples’ exercise and embrace of Democracy. It would be worse if the Palestinians are further given a state, which would no doubt be a close proximity launching pad for the Iranians who have vowed the destruction of the Jews. This is of even more import especially since, any day now, the
Persian Nuclear genie will be at the beckon call of the Mullahs, who through their mouthpiece
Armadinejad, have intimated that they will use these weapons against Israel. The Jewish state must not listen to anyone concerning its security--not even the Americans; it must be unilateral in its actions when dealing with threats to its existence. History is a good guide for Israel to look at; it shows how the Jews were treated in the past concerning their security: the Vatican was next door when the Jews were being slaughtered in Germany; the United Nations, that bastion of fairness, has never passed a resolution condemning any Arab state that has carried out atrocities towards Israel; Anti-Semitism is almost a mark of honor in all of Europe; and now, the entire world seems to be clamoring for a Palestinian state-this must be rejected. Israel should also reject those who want her to operate within the confines of the 1967 pre-war borders-Israel’s borders were given to her by God in the Book of Genesis.
-Verily Prime

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Unsung Heroes & Sheroes of Memorial Day

Today, I want to take time out to simply thank those who’ve made Memorial Day possible. To my father who served in Vietnam, other living Veterans, and those whose graves adorn Western Europe, I sincerely thank you for your service; you have brought freedom and the benisons of Democracy to many across this globe. You have served a country which, if and when she falls, God forbids, her enemies will weep, if not out in the open in secret. This is so because the country you’ve represented has been rather lenient and noble with its hegemony-notwithstanding the modern day ungratefulness in vogue today across Europe—who’ve quickly and conveniently forgotten when Hitler’s Nazis were Goose-stepping across Europe and the sacrifices you paid on the beaches of Normandy where over forty thousands of you made the ultimate sacrifice.
The bond among soldiers is difficult to fathom to wives, parents, and generally those who did not serve. It transcends race, religion, and all the isms which keep us apart in civilian life. During the first Iraqi war, I was placed on standby down at Fort Ord in California. I remembered how somber it was when we were signing the insurance paper work, designating our respective beneficiaries, if we were to fall in battle. But there was one other aspect that was even more sobering for me: contemplating being a casualty of chemical weapons. I recalled telling my buddy, Scot Nelson that if I were hit with chemical weapons and lived, and he had been lucky to have donned his chemical gear, to put me out of my misery because I couldn’t take my own life due to religious reasons. Scot didn’t verbally reply, but I saw it in his eyes that if it came to it, he would have mercifully euthanized me.
In closing, I also ask forgiveness of you Memorial Day heroes for those us who’ve callously allocated the status of “hero” or “shero” to the likes of athletes and even more grating, actors. We have equated throwing a ball in a hoop or knocking it over a barrier to that of your dying for the potential of Democracy…throwing yourself on grenades …for your standing in the gap for children threatened by their own people, sacrificing your food, water, and lives. And I especially ask for your forgiveness for attributing hero status to most of the Hollywood types who traverse the jagged walk of shame, boasting and peddling their stories...I say to all of you Memorial Day heroes, an apt quote from part of Shakespeare’s Macbeth is warranted for the war stories told by the Hollywood vanity crowd: “…It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
-Verily Prime

Sunday, May 24, 2009

News From Circa 2016 And Beyond

The famous author Dan Brown, author of the Da vinci Code, whose plot centered around Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene, decided that it was only fair to give the Devil his due. Dan Brown has been trying to get an interview and photograph with George Bush, preferably with cloven hooves and horns. You may be salivating wanting to know whatever happened to the members of the troika Obama Administration (Barrack Obama, Harry Reed, and Nancy Pelosi). All the faces on Mount Rushmore were replaced with that of Barack Obama; Harry Reed is now involved in cartoon porn, and Nancy Pelosi didn’t fair so well under the Socialize Medicine she helped usher in; she has repeatedly sued the government for cutting back her psychotropic drugs. One only has to go down to Christopher Street in Frisco to see Nancy wearing her trade mark shirt with the caption, “Zoloft is a right, not a privilege.” Bin laden is now teaching Comparative Law, with an emphasis on Sharia Law, at Columbia University. The other members of Al Queada are living it up at the Upper East Side with multiple wives; they successfully sued the government for the psychological harm caused by water boarding and won millions-John Edwards was one of their attorneys. In a related story, some members of the Mormon faith claimed that if they knew that Bin Laden cohorts would be allowed plural marriages, they would have carried out Jihad in Utah. You may ask what happened to the members of Verily Prime….They were jailed for blasphemy. Apparently, they insisted in reading the original New Testament, and not the new version, which replaced the “Sermon On The Mount” found in the Gospel of Matthew, with Obama’s Inauguration 2009 speech. During the allocution of members of Verily Prime, the judge asked them if they were contrite. The members said no because Obama appeared to be “flesh and blood” and, moreover, hadn’t walked on water. The judge admonished the members about being willfully blind and not paying attention to what took place between 2009 and 2016. Members of Verily Prime begged to be incarcerated in the best jail in the world at Gitmo, but alas, they were turned down and sent to Fort Leavenworth. As for Al Gore, he went for a drive some time in April of 2012 in his brand new hybrid and was never seen again. Fox Moulder and Dana Scully of X-files fame were called in to work the case. It is said their findings were turned over to the authorities; one of the persistent rumors is that a thumb print belonging to Dick Cheney was found on Al Gore’s car….
-Verily Prime

Thursday, May 21, 2009

No Pax Roeanna

A recurring plot in many of our Sci-Fi movies is the aliens coming in the nick of time to prevent earth from being destroyed by man’s destructive behavior. I am of the humble opinion that if there were indeed aliens, they would warp-speed to earth to intercede on behalf of the unrelenting slaughter of the innocents, and perhaps, in addition, abducting Al Gore for the charlatan that he is-but I digress. These aliens would ask our great minds what would possess a species to engage in such bloodletting against its young. But of course, I am having dreams of grandeur because according to most of the powers that be in Hollywood, the unborn is not deemed to be endangered. President Obama tried to bridge the chasm between those who support abortion or those who oppose it when he visited Notre Dame; but no eloquence or good will towards the First African American President can bridge the divide. This middle of the road position on the abortion issue rings hollow compare to the latitude and spirited defense some of the Liberal persuasion give for those terrorists who were subjected water boarded, including the defense the ACLU uses for pedophiles, and I dare say it again, the sheer hatred the animal rights loons have for Michael Vick for his taking part in fighting Pit-Bulls. There will never be a compromise between the opposing sides on the issue of abortion; someone like me cannot get the logic that something becomes life after a certain trimester, especially, since those who support abortion, also support stem cells research. It’s akin to having your cake and eating it too. I would be lying to say that if I or my family were suffering from any disease, which potentially could be cured by stem cell research, borne out of dead and discarded fetuses that I wouldn’t be tempted to utilize whatever remedies that came from such research. With that said, I hope that I would have the courage to refuse. I once envisioned a newspaper cartoon which depicted a woman five months or so pregnant, who visited a clinic, then rid herself of the baby--not because of any compelling exceptions like a threat to her health, incest, or rape, but because of Roe. That same liberated former mother was subsequently seen with a placard, taking part in protests against the war and calling the President a killer; she was extolled by her friends for playing an integral part in the issue of the day—with said friends missing the glaring irony….Justice Scali a long ago wrote that the abortion issue has not produced the peace envisioned in Roe v. Wade (Pax Roeanna) among our citizens and it seems that this will be the social and political status quo for the foreseeable future.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monkey Know What Tree Limb to Jump On

There is a case being adjudicated in the Michigan court system, which involves gays and their supporters, who allegedly, went around to traditional churches and disturbed the services by ringing the fire alarms, turning on the water pipes, shouting obscenities from the pew, and engaging in same sex kissing, etc, so as to insult the parishioners. The churches have filed an injunction to prevent this so called form of Civil Disobedience. Verily Prime is sending out a message to these gays or their supporters to contact u s for our church’s address, daring them to do what they did in Michigan. Our grandma had a saying, “Monkey know which limb to jump on.” If any of these gays didn’t get the gist of this saying…it can be manifested…. Verily Prime must confess ahead of time, that the things that would be done to these gays or their supporters who’d come to our church to disturb the service, Jesus would not condone….

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Economic Grapes of Wrath in California

I have had the pleasure of spending part of my life in California-before the lunacy and the degeneracy of the Hollywood mentality became the manifest symptoms of what is obviously wrong with that once great state. Everyday we hear of the dire straits which California finds itself in and no politician seems to have the gravitas to address the conspicuous elephant in the room: The largess of monies allocated to the welfare of illegal aliens. If there is a well that has sweet drinking spring water, but everyone drinks from it without it being replenished, then, eventually, everyone will die of thirst. This is what we have going on in California. It is indeed humane to accept illegal immigrants, but if the state cannot take on the attendant burdens which come with such intakes, then the solution should be academic. But again, the malignancy of “political correctness” has metastasized in the governing of California. You are called racist if you support prudent border security vis-a-vis California and Mexico; yet, anyone who does a little research would find out that Mexico has some of its troops on its borders to keep out illegal aliens from neighboring countries-which are poorer than Mexico. Of course, you’ll never hear this from the purveyors of illegal immigration rights—oops, I meant to say “Undocumented Aliens.” It is unconscionable that members of the California National Guard whose blood is cultivating foreign soil, serving gallantly in our wars, have to pay for their instate tuition if they so desire, when they return, to attend college in California, but the illegal alien can get it for free. This is the situations in California with its medical care, welfare, and near cradle to grave freebies…all part of the conspicuous elephant in the governing halls of Sacramento. And to those who customarily say, California was once owned by Mexico, then as soon as we give it back to Mexico, it should in turn returned it to the Native Americans, who then should turn over to the animals-at least that’s what the loons among the animal rights people would say. I predict--if its not already happening—that some of the Hollywood denizens who give credence to political correctness concerning the immigration issue, will be moving out of California because of the repetitive increase in taxes. I say to them, have the courage of their political correctness conviction or better still…stay and change their minds by supporting fiscal prudence like addressing the irresponsibility of largess to illegal aliens, etc. This would go along way in addressing the proverbial elephants in the rooms of power in Sacramento, California. And if you fail, try again and remember the mantra of your governor from his past vocation, “I’ll be back.”
-Verily Prime

Sunday, May 17, 2009


One only has to read mostly the left-wing blogs to realize that our modern discourse is
replete with ad homonyms attacks about those with whom we disagree. Case in point,
when Tony Snow and the actor Charleston Hesston died, the blogs went ape and rejoiced
over these respective men demise-all because they were Republicans. These Democrats,
here-in-after “Hypocrats” must believe that the “toe tag” is only reserve for Republicans.
Any personal tragedy, even when children are involved, is fair game if said children
parents are Republican—think of all the negative stories we have been subjected to
concerning Sarah Palin and family. Even when these family members are engaged in
something noble, they are scorned and ridiculed.
If one were to read the Wall Street Journal or watch Fox or even CNN news, he or she would never see any personal attacks on any politician, “Hypocrat” or Republican, and definitely no attacks on their children, but these children are fodder for the hate mongers in the blogosphere and elements of MSNBC. It has been weeks since pictures surfaced on the net, which apparently showed the daughter of Vice President Biden taking hits of cocaine; yet, you haven’t heard or seen any o f these pictures on any of so called rightwing outlets showing the VP’s daughter, who is ironically employed as a social worker, powdering her nose-imagined if this were a child of a prominent Republican?
These “Hypocrats” act as though their children have no problems with substance abuse or running afoul of the law or generally having feet of clay. This coarse behavior on the part of the “Hypocrats” is a microcosm of the overall reflection of the coarsening of our culture, even in our arts. Isn’t it ironic that the children of President Obama’s favorite musicians are The Jonas Brothers and were asked to perform during the Inauguration; perhaps, this was so because all that these Hip Hoppers seem to sing about is “ho this or ho that.”
Have you ever been part of a conversation, which forced you to be reticent because you resided in the proverbial “Glass House,” or the fact that your skeletons were locked away in your closet? And then you were flabbergasted because there was someone around you taking part in the same conversation who had the gall to criticize knowing that his skeletons were not even locked away in a closet, but were with him, rotting and fetid; yet, he had the nerve to point his fingers and judge-such is the case with these “Hypocrats.” Wanda Sykes, are you listening…you perfection of a super deft specimen-oops….
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

SIX Degrees Of Blaming George W. Bush

It has become a veritable cottage industry to blame George Bush for everything bad that has happened in this country during and after his administration; so, take what I am about to impart with many grains of salt. Apparently since Bush’s retirement, he has been involved in animal husbandry, specifically, pig farming. It turns out that some of the former President’s pigs escaped across the border and infected some Mexican swine, which resulted in our current near pandemic. Until we meet again, I am working on how to blame Bush for the recent mishap with Air-force 1 and the fighter aircraft, which buzzed the Statue of Liberty over the skies of Manhattan.
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In Defense of Miss California

It is rather disheartening not to hear or see the usual mouth pieces of the feminist movement come out to support Miss California, if not for her traditional position on Gay marriage, at least for her right to voice an opinion under our cherished Constitution. Instead, some of these feminists have resorted to personal attacks because they do not share Miss California’s position on what she sees as traditional marriage. In addition, we have people like Perez Hilton spewing such hate toward Miss California, that, had any other person addressed any woman with those epithets, we would have never heard the end of it-and such outrage would have been warranted. The irony is that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton hold the same opposition as Miss California; yet, we hear no outrage or epithets addressed towards these heavyweights of the Democratic Party. This is a typical response when Democrats hold traditional beliefs on moral issues; I think that when they do, it’s akin to a wink and a nod to people like Perez Hilton. It is the only explanation I can come up with why there would be a disparity in how Miss America was treated as opposed to the President who holds the same position. In essence, people like Perez Hilton knows that when some Democrats say they believe in some traditional values, it’s a ruse to win votes. You are now demonized for traditional religious beliefs, a right sanctioned by the First Amendment, which is quickly being trampled by the tyranny of the homosexual vocal minority. We are told by Perez Hilton that Miss California is not allowed to voice and hold a traditional view on what constitutes marriage, which then prevents her from winning the beauty crown. I have been enjoying the current American Idol competition, which features a very talented gentleman from New York--he deserves to win because he has the talent, even though he is gay. Incidentally, I too believe in traditional marriage like Miss California.
-Verily Prime

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Case For Pre-emptive War

No policy undertaken by the past Bush Administration has caused more angst among the various pundits and public alike than “Preemptive War.” This concept is maligned because it is looked upon as the catalyst that got the United States involved in the unpopular Iraq war, and moreover, because it is a policy championed by the so called Neo-Cons, who are now out of favor in Washington. Notwithstanding the recent advocates of pre-emption, there is merit sometimes in employing such a policy in our Geo-Policies, all in all to serve the greater good. We do not have to have expertise in politics like Bismarck, Richelieu, Churchill, or Kissinger, to understand pre-emption. We practiced pre-emption in our everyday life: We exercise to prevent obesity which could lead to heart problems; we visit our doctors periodically to make sure that we are healthy; we take vitamins to help fight off maladies; and we save our monies for a so called rainy day-all this we engage in to pre-empt something bad in the future.
Countries are like human beings who practice pre-emption, only that they do so for the collective. With that said, there are many countries which are justified to employ the strategy of pre-emptive war. How many times have we heard the vitriol coming out of Iran on how it wants to bring about the utter destruction of Israel-should the Israelis wait until Iran developed Nuclear weapons and nuked before they protect themselves by carrying out a preemptive strike? This morning (05/04/2009), General Petraeus warned the Pakistani government that it has two weeks to confront the Taliban-the fear is that the Taliban are going to soon have access to the fifty or so nuclear weapons because there are sympathizers in the Pakistani army-Again, should we wait until this occurs? What should the Indians do if these weapons end up in the Taliban hands, knowing the bloody history of wars between India and Pakistan over the Cashmere? Tonight, before I go to bed, I will engage in some pre-emption of my own by brushing my teeth; my goal is to prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and Gingivitis-what of countries facing nuclear annihilation.
-Verily Prime

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Michael Vick’s Pending Release

In the coming weeks, the debate over Michael Vick’s pending release will once again dominate the news circle. There are those who will still want to punish him further, even though he would have served his time. The Vick phenomenon is a display on how much our values has changed, specifically, equating the rights afforded to humans to animals. I am not here to condone what Vick did to the dogs in his charge, but the outrage by some of us was overboard and unwarranted. Where is the outrage over the ongoing slaughter of the innocents under the guise of Abortion Rights. How many of us would and have criticized those pro-life supporters who display pictures of actual, gruesome aborted fetuses. In contrast, we extol the virtues of those who have abortions, not because of rape, incest, or a threat to the mother, but for the simple, venerated sake of God choosing the female species to replenish the human race. No doubt that \there are going to be protests and influence brought on football teams not to employ Vick in the vocation he loves, while some of us will engage in our Constitutional right of moral indolence by walking pass our shame on our way to wax poetic about the spotted owl or to boast about how green we are in our support of the much maligned environment.
I used to be cavalier on the abortion issue until I saw my daughter in my wife’s womb; I then pondered how deluded one must have to be to have looked at an ultra sound and go home and chalk it up to just globs of tissue, which happens to have the DNA of his or her parents. Let me digress a little, but I must convey a story I heard about a couple residing in Hawaii who had many a problems-the least of which was the interracial nature of their relationship. In the middle of the chaotic relationship, a child was sired-no one knows if sometime during the pregnancy, the mother contemplated an abortion; however, the child that was born in the midst of all that chaos made Epochal history by becoming the first African American President of these United States--again, forgive me for digressing, but in the coming weeks for some of us Michael Vick will take his place among the notoriously wicked of our age--Hitler, Stalin, bin Laden….
-Verily Prime

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Utilizing "Water-Boarding" to Fight Terror

Many of us have become complacent on the issue of terrorism since 911; we have forgotten the sheer terror we felt when we thought we were facing a wide spread attack. Now, some of us look at the issue of terrorism like looking at a Jackson Pollock painting--coming to many a meaning on the issue-abstraction should be relegated to the canvas and to the pages of poetry. These terrorists sole aim is to kill us, which means that we cannot negotiate with them. At least with Hitler, his reward was in this life, but Bin Laden sees his in the afterlife. In looking at water boarding, I ask myself what if my loved ones lives were at stake, would I resort to water boarding to save their lives. President Obama has a different take on the issue, but I would like to ask him and his supporters on this issue: He has continued the policy of using drones to kill suspected terrorists in Afghanistan; these drones have killed their objectives, including innocent women and children in the collateral damage. My question is which is worse-water boarding or the killing of innocent women and children in our fight against terror in Afghanistan? It is rather telling that in Great Britain, a place which provides cradle to grave perks to its citizens. a recent survey showed that 20% of Arabs still would engage in jihad against merry old England Those who have declared war on us on September 11 have the same murderous intent as those 20% of Arabs surveyed in England-the only solution to combat them is a Cathaginian Peace...even if it means engaging in such tactics as water boarding.