There is a clamor by those of all political stripes for the creation of a Palestinian state, erected side by side by the
Jewish State. On this issue, I will take no lesson from the trees, which are swaying in the direction of the prevailing breeze, and follow those who are calling for a Palestinian State. I think such a PLO state would be a fatal thorn planted in Israel ’s midst, which will cause its destruction. A Palestinian state would work in favor of Iran , Israel ’s modern day nemesis, and enable the Iranians to have a beach head to wreak havoc on the Jewish State. Iran already has its surrogates, Hezbollah, in Lebanon , doing its bidding and virtually running the Lebanese government; now, if there is a Palestinian State , Iran would have its surrogates in the midst of the Jewish State. The Palestinians voted in Hamas to be their leaders and because of the Iranian influence, Israel hasn’t seen any peace dividends from the Palestinian peoples’ exercise and embrace of Democracy. It would be worse if the Palestinians are further given a state, which would no doubt be a close proximity launching pad for the Iranians who have vowed the destruction of the Jews. This is of even more import especially since, any day now, the
Persian Nuclear genie will be at the beckon call of the Mullahs, who through their mouthpiece
Armadinejad, have intimated that they will use these weapons against Israel . The Jewish state must not listen to anyone concerning its security--not even the Americans; it must be unilateral in its actions when dealing with threats to its existence. History is a good guide for Israel to look at; it shows how the Jews were treated in the past concerning their security: the Vatican was next door when the Jews were being slaughtered in Germany; the United Nations, that bastion of fairness, has never passed a resolution condemning any Arab state that has carried out atrocities towards Israel; Anti-Semitism is almost a mark of honor in all of Europe; and now, the entire world seems to be clamoring for a Palestinian state-this must be rejected. Israel should also reject those who want her to operate within the confines of the 1967 pre-war borders-Israel ’s borders were given to her by God in the Book of Genesis.
-Verily Prime