I have had the pleasure of spending part of my life in California -before the lunacy and the degeneracy of the Hollywood mentality became the manifest symptoms of what is obviously wrong with that once great state. Everyday we hear of the dire straits which California finds itself in and no politician seems to have the gravitas to address the conspicuous elephant in the room: The largess of monies allocated to the welfare of illegal aliens. If there is a well that has sweet drinking spring water, but everyone drinks from it without it being replenished, then, eventually, everyone will die of thirst. This is what we have going on in California . It is indeed humane to accept illegal immigrants, but if the state cannot take on the attendant burdens which come with such intakes, then the solution should be academic. But again, the malignancy of “political correctness” has metastasized in the governing of California . You are called racist if you support prudent border security vis-a-vis California and Mexico; yet, anyone who does a little research would find out that Mexico has some of its troops on its borders to keep out illegal aliens from neighboring countries-which are poorer than Mexico. Of course, you’ll never hear this from the purveyors of illegal immigration rights—oops, I meant to say “Undocumented Aliens.” It is unconscionable that members of the California National Guard whose blood is cultivating foreign soil, serving gallantly in our wars, have to pay for their instate tuition if they so desire, when they return, to attend college in California, but the illegal alien can get it for free. This is the situations in California with its medical care, welfare, and near cradle to grave freebies…all part of the conspicuous elephant in the governing halls of Sacramento . And to those who customarily say, California was once owned by Mexico, then as soon as we give it back to Mexico, it should in turn returned it to the Native Americans, who then should turn over to the animals-at least that’s what the loons among the animal rights people would say. I predict--if its not already happening—that some of the Hollywood denizens who give credence to political correctness concerning the immigration issue, will be moving out of California because of the repetitive increase in taxes. I say to them, have the courage of their political correctness conviction or better still…stay and change their minds by supporting fiscal prudence like addressing the irresponsibility of largess to illegal aliens, etc. This would go along way in addressing the proverbial elephants in the rooms of power in Sacramento , California . And if you fail, try again and remember the mantra of your governor from his past vocation, “I’ll be back.”
-Verily Prime
I don't want to sound heartless, but what is the big issue with immigrants ( especially from Mexico). Hear me out? We all know that America was started by immigrants coming here from England, actually the majority was lower class, ingrates or people that couldn't make it in England. And we have made a wonderful melting pot of all types of nationalities, that makes America what is it. But why can't America say NO MORE to Mexicans? Send them back, stop them from entering the US. You can't tell me, it's can't be done. No other nation allows individuals to inflilitate their society, especially if it's not in a positive way. Why should we? California, Texas, New Mexico, whereever. Mexican's come in ship them back out. Stop making the US look so inviting, don't offer them assistance, they are not citizens, they're not ENTITLED to anything. They don't pay taxes, so why should the get living assistance? Damn, me who was born and raised in the US have to prove that I am eligible for assistance, so why they get it so easy? I can't go to England and walk into their financial assistance office ( or whatever they call it) and say, "I am decided to move here from America, but I can't find a job, I think I am going to stay and you need to financially support me."
ReplyDeleteThey will carry my behind so swiftly back to the airport that I may not even realize it until I land in US, so why are we so generous? Why can't we practice, help our own before we help outsiders? I don't understand.
I believe we have a responsibility as a wealthy nation to help Mexico. The help can come in sending aid to their country or allowing so many a year to cross our borders legally.
ReplyDeleteThe drug issue is largely in part due to lack of border control. Many of the undocumented Mexicans are committing crimes here and only being deported back to Mexico. American's conscience to help is creating unsafe conditions for it's citizens.
Just thinking out loud.......