Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In Defense of Miss California

It is rather disheartening not to hear or see the usual mouth pieces of the feminist movement come out to support Miss California, if not for her traditional position on Gay marriage, at least for her right to voice an opinion under our cherished Constitution. Instead, some of these feminists have resorted to personal attacks because they do not share Miss California’s position on what she sees as traditional marriage. In addition, we have people like Perez Hilton spewing such hate toward Miss California, that, had any other person addressed any woman with those epithets, we would have never heard the end of it-and such outrage would have been warranted. The irony is that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton hold the same opposition as Miss California; yet, we hear no outrage or epithets addressed towards these heavyweights of the Democratic Party. This is a typical response when Democrats hold traditional beliefs on moral issues; I think that when they do, it’s akin to a wink and a nod to people like Perez Hilton. It is the only explanation I can come up with why there would be a disparity in how Miss America was treated as opposed to the President who holds the same position. In essence, people like Perez Hilton knows that when some Democrats say they believe in some traditional values, it’s a ruse to win votes. You are now demonized for traditional religious beliefs, a right sanctioned by the First Amendment, which is quickly being trampled by the tyranny of the homosexual vocal minority. We are told by Perez Hilton that Miss California is not allowed to voice and hold a traditional view on what constitutes marriage, which then prevents her from winning the beauty crown. I have been enjoying the current American Idol competition, which features a very talented gentleman from New York--he deserves to win because he has the talent, even though he is gay. Incidentally, I too believe in traditional marriage like Miss California.
-Verily Prime


  1. My comment to this is that we as a society have vastly changed our way of thinking and I too am in support of Ms. California; she stated her opinion about a lifestyle that is the forefront of people living that lifestyle, she shared her views and was persecuted for it, it's funny normal is out! different is in. Well I would like to end this with just saying I am proud to be a heterosexual male who believes in the way of the natural order of things to be unnatural is a choice...

  2. my comment to this is why do some people think that wrong is right and right is wrong? These people have a serious problem.
