Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blasphemy From The Left

It was something you never thought would happen during your life time, if ever; an apt example would be like seeing country and western female performers having black men as lovers in their videos. In recent days, there has been actual criticism of President Obama coming from, of all places, the left of the Democratic Party. From Bill Maher to a prominent member of the liberal San Francisco Chronicle newspaper--both have done the unthinkable and criticized the anointed one (President Obama). Maher critique had to do with President Obama not getting anything substantive done and his penchant for being seen on television. The Chronicle editor opined about how in the tank the general press has been in not objectively critiquing the Obama Administration. The same cult of personality that has over taken us when we deal with celebrities has devolved on our current president. The left of the Democratic Party will tell you it is because President Obama has not lived up to his promises to close “Gitmo” and for not prosecuting the Iraqi war to a full end, and therefore summarily bringing the troops home. The members of Verily Prime are more cynical as to the reasons why the left is engaging in blasphemy against President Obama: We think it has to do with all the talk of increase in taxes. As much as these lefties talk about universal healthcare and the like, they dread paying the taxes that will be needed because they lack the courage of their convictions. Take a look at many celebrities from England; many of these celebrities will confess that they don’t live there because of the burdensome taxes inflicted on them by the country of the Union Jack. Perhaps many of these lefties can move to the West Indies and still maintain their courage of their convictions without resorting to blasphemy against President Obama. Don’t fret Bill Maher, all deities have the power of forgiveness-oops, I almost forgot, Bill Maher is an avowed atheist….
-Verily Prime

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