Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Geo Politics Borne Out of The Stockholm Syndrome

President Obama is about to embark on a Middle East tour and we are told that he will give an important speech, supposedly about our mutual interest with the Arab world. All I ask of our president is not to apologize to the Arabs for what America has done and continues to do in the world, and moreover, not to genuflect to the Saudi Princes. Our president in the past has apologized to Europe and those ungrateful bastards ate it up. Every Hegemon from the Roman Empire to the Ottoman was envied for its influence and engendered unwarranted criticism. It is the nature of being the “top dog” and the same was true then as it is now—America have nothing to apologize to the Arab world for. There have been literally trillion s of “petro dollars” that were poured into the coffers of many of these countries, and still the people have nothing to show for it. Take a look at the Nobel laureates or inventors of the last century, and you will seldom find that any of these men or women were from that part of the world--no allocations from all that oil revenues seem to find its way into education endeavors, but the constant refrain is always the “Great Satan’s” fault for all their ills. A little research starting from the Carter Administration to the present will show the hundred of millions that have been given as aid to the Arab world, yet the hatred for the United States is still unrelenting. Some of us have taken on the Stockholm syndrome and blaming America--and specifically the last eight years of the Republican Administration--for the recent spate of terroristic acts against us. Lest we forget, The U.S.S Cole, The Kobar Towers, The Embassies in East Africa, the Bali night club bombings, and the first World Trade Center explosions-all happened under Bill Clinton’s presidency. These people do not care who is in office, and even a president who shares a partial heritage with them will not engender any love. I recalled that Arafat died leaving $900 millions in various accounts, much of that money was given to him by us for his people; yet, when 911 happened, the Palestinians authorities gave out candies to the children, who then went out to the streets of the West Bank shouting, “Ali Akbar.” A few years later in America, some innocent looking Arab school girls in Patterson, New Jersey, went on the program “Sixty Minutes,” essentially justifying the 911 attacks. I have a friend who reads this blog and lives in the New Jersey area; he told me that the fear of God was put into the Arabs in the Patterson area, so much so, that these girls came back a few programs later on Sixty Minutes and apologized. In addition, it has always bothered me that during 911, many of the so called moderate Arabs were loudly quiet—to me such a taciturn posture is tantamount to tacit approval for what took place during 911. In Europe, the Marshall Plan saved them from starvation; in Japan, General McArthur implemented something similar; In Iraq, we are doing the same; and recently, there was an earthquake in the Iranian city of Qom, and we provided ample aid. This is what America does and our good deeds far outweigh the ills we cause. I hope that President Obama will resist the “Stockholm syndrome” in his speech to the Arab world, and instead, use prose which will reflect mutual respect, recognizing that countries (including the USA) like people are not perfect.
-Verily Prime

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