Thursday, June 25, 2009

Obama’s Universal Health-Scare?

It is laudable to want to provide everyone with health care, but some of us are wary thinking that it will turn out like everything else that the Federal Government operates; examples, the Post Office and Amtrak. We must confess that we are ambivalent about the apparent coming changes in our health care system; case in point, notwithstanding what was said earlier about the government’s atrocious record in running things, we are salivating seeing the insurance companies complaining and sweating about having to compete with the Feds to provide services. The genuine sob stories are legion about many a small businesses and individuals who have felt the cold and callous decisions made by risk managers who were operating from the insurance companies’ mandate to maximize profits at all costs. Now, it seems like poetic justice to hear the insurance companies wined about having to compete with the Feds; they are suffering from what happens to monopolies and predatory institutions that meet the king of the business jungle-monopolies run by governmental bureaucracies. Another aspect of President’s Obama plan is the diminution of the status doctors will now hold in our society. If we are about to emulate the health care system in Canada and the United Kingdom where the doctors are paid like lower middle class citizens, then our doctors here must get accustomed to the profession being not as prestigious as it is now. The question is what doctor wants to make the pay his or her counterpart makes in Europe or Canada? And what of the half a million or so it cost to study at a decent medical school-will the expenses be curtailed or will there be incentives available to entice our brightest to enter the medical field? Members of Verily Prime are intimately familiar with the universal medical care offered in England because they have three uncles residing in the United Kingdom and have heard them berate many aspects of the health care system there. Our uncles refrain have always been the “wait” and what is tantamount to “rationing” of the services provided under England’s universal medicine-we are hoping that those aspects are not part of Obama’s version of universal health care, which seem to be imminent.
-Verily Prime

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