Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Naïveté And Arrogance

t is being reported that the French President Sarkozy thinks that President Obama is so dangerously naïve that the security of the free world is at risk. One of the many reasons that President Sarkozy came to that conclusion was Obama’s recent speech, at the United Nations, on his goal of eliminating nuclear weapons. Hearing a French head of state, referring to someone else as being arrogance is like Brett Favre accusing Satan of being egotistical; anyone who has followed this blog would know that we’ve diagnosed long ago this psychosis about our secular messiah president. We all have met those people who are like our president; you know the guy who thinks that all women will fall for him, and when that one woman doesn’t, the patented excuse is introduced. Our vainglorious president thought that the likes of Putin and other heads of rogue states would swoon like the Europeans did when he took his campaign there, but alas, from Sarkozy to Germany s Angela Merkel are looking at Obama with jaundiced eyes. The danger lies in the fact that President Obama sacrifices our prestige for his; can anyone tell me the last time you’ve heard such a scathing speech against an ex president like the one delivered by President Obama, at all places, at that bastion of integrity called the United Nations? Our president should be listening to the general he installed on increasing the troops in Afghanistan instead of thinking what the far left think of him on this particular issue--These are soldiers lives at risk; the last time we didn’t listen to the generals, we had the debacle of Vietnam. I suppose President Obama thinks he can convince the Taliban and the American people that the situation isn’t dire in Afghanistan. I think it was James Brown who sang, jump back and kiss myself--Narcissus would be proud of our secular messiah president….
Verily Prime

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Something was said last Sunday that should be of dire concern to those of us who consider ourselves traditional Christians. Former national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, ironically to that craven President Carter, recommended that if Israel decided to unilaterally attack Iran’s nuclear sites, the United States, who controls the Iraqi airspace, an area that must be traverse by Israel to reach Iran, should dispatch its fighter jets, located in Iraq, and confront or shoot down the I Israeli fighters if necessary to thwart their mission. I hope that this wasn’t an opinion being floated by the current administration to see how the country would react in case of such a scenario. This must be the same argument used against the Neo Cons for their take and support for pre-emptive war. But Israel has this right to strike the Iranians because the Mullahs are forever saying that they are going to d estroy the Jewish State. We as human beings practice preemption all the time: we have a diet of vegetables and we exercise to prevent heart disease; we send our children to good schools so prevent ignorance and prepare them to succeed as adults…I need not go on to show the nexus of preemptive strike on Iran to Israel’s security. Today, the paper tigers of all stripes congregated at the United Nations, and typically, lauded our secular, messiah president because, whether it is so or not, they think they have a friend in the White House. The problem with these friends, who are presently attending the UN conference, is that they all hate Israel…In my opinion, our current president is not as blatant and conspicuous with his dislike for the Jewish state…but those of us who are traditional Christians have the clarity to see the sleight of hand. I noise this admonition toAmerica that Israel doesn’t need her, but America needs Israel (See Genesis 12:3).
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Every parent and even social scientists like Pavlov know how important the concept of quid pro quo or the “carrot and stick” approach is to animate and foster certain behavior patterns. Last week, Putin called and congratulated President Obama on his decision to place our missile defense, scheduled for land bases in Poland and the Czech Republic, on our submarines. I am not going to take issue with the moving of the bases from land to sea because I am not qualified…so I defer to the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates who made the change. But in making the change, we got nothing from Putin. At least, we should have had Putin act as our surrogate to implore the Russians not to sell Iran nuclear technology, or moreover, pressuring the Iranians not to pursue nuclear weapons period. Putin’s congrats were akin to the proverbial=2 0patronizing pat on Obama’s back or like the fox (Putin) congratulating the brood of chickens (Obama) for moving in next door. It is reported that the Polish Ambassador refused to take Secretary of State Clinton’s call and both newspaper of record inPoland and the Czech Republic said that they were betrayed by the United States. We do not even take the time out to study the players involved respective histories; for example, the Obama Administration made the arrangement with Russia on the 70th anniversary of the Russia’s invasion of Poland, which resulted in the slaughter of many a Poles. I mean if we forgot our diplomatic etiquette by giving the Queen an I-Pod and the British Prime Minister tapes of Obama’s speeches, we should expect no more for such important matters like remembering our Polish ally painful, historical wounds suffered at the bloody hands of the Russians. I supposed next, we will be serving the Muslims Pork and placing the Jews and the Palestinians next to each other during the White House’s next state dinner.
-Verily Prime

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Curious Comparison

California has now mandated that students as young as kinder gardeners be taught about bias and bullying against homosexuals; of course, for me the Trojan horse is the pretext of bias or bullying against homosexuals--Perhaps, I should get my disclaimer out of the way now by saying that I don’t condone bias or bullying against homosexuals. Beside the travesty that is taking place in California is the accepted thought that homosexuals are treated like minorities who have suffered racism; moreover, many of our Civil Rights leaders are accepting this bogus comparison and equating their struggles to that of minorities. Tell me what black man can hide from his hue and the few who want to do so have not the means like the late Michael Jackson to do so. The homosexual on the other hand can engage in his behavior without anyone being privy to his proclivity. In law firms here in New York, the Sodom and Gomorrah of the East, there are rampant and wield much power…they throw their life style in your face all the time like a tamer version of the gay parade, as though their flamboyance will sway you to accept their lifestyle. Somebody school me on whether they were born with lisps, which give them that peculiar speech pattern or without bones in their respective wrists. The racists who oppose interracial marriages, sanctioned and codified in the president setting case of Loving V. Virginia, must concede that it is condoned by God and nature with all the Halle Berry like children you see running around. Those of you who engage in political correctness on this issue, void yourself of delusions and ponder that the lesbian will become ruby red and will used the loo sitting down; moreover consider the irony of the adopted child who says, Tommy has two mommies or two daddies. Save your branding of my being ignorant or my being a Philistine.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AG Holder’s Selective Prosecutions

There are times when you just have to pinch yourself to see if you are living in so
alternate universe; I had to do so recently when I heard about “The John Adams Project.” This is an endeavor by the ACLU to out our CIA operatives who brought many of the jihadists to Guantanamo; the ACLU has appropriated and perverted our second president’s name by deliberately exposing our intelligent operatives and their families to danger. The ACLU does this outing under the guise that Constitutional criminal due process requires them to give the terrorists the names and photos of our operatives. These people who are doing t his exposure deserve a bullet in the head. Whatever happened to the ACLU who fought for the franchise, which allowed minorities to enjoy the Constitutional benisons of this great country? The ACLU’s downward spiral started many years ago….It took a situation in Skokie Illinois, one of the Jewish enclaves, whereby the ACLU advocated on behalf of the Klan to march before Jewish Americans to curtail their support for the ACLU; for me, it was the ACLU’s support of NAMBLA, a pedophilic organization--which basically received legal advice and then placing said advice on its web site--on how to molest little boys with impunity. Eric Holder, our intrepid Attorney General (AG), saw fit to investigate our operatives for so called harsh treatment to the Guantanamo jihadist terrorists, but I am holding my breath until he investigates the ACLU for amounts to treason. Could you believe the things people are getting away with now in this country….?
-Verily Prime

Monday, September 14, 2009

A lie Via Obfuscation

Even a lay person can define and articulate the appearance of impropriety; that is why it was so stunning to hear a Congress man calling the President of these United States a liar, while he was giving a speech to a joint session of our Congress. Notwithstanding that the same rank racism found in the Carolinas is alive and well among the sophisticated denizens of New York and Hollywood, the Congress man should have known better because of whence he came (one of the states comprising of Dixie). Whatever negative backlash the Republicans are receiving for one of their legislators calling Obama a liar—is deserving because he should have known better. Now, the Congress man said President Obama was lying because illegal aliens would be covered under the Obama’s proposed health care reform=guess what, the Congress man might be correct. The President is a lawyer and once taught Constitutional Law in Chicago--so he should know that if the illegal aliens are treated differently vis-à-vis coverage o f health care from citizens, the Constitutional case law presidents will vote down any bill that they deem discriminatory. There are at least two lawyers who reads this blog, in addition to my beloved father who is an ardent supporter of the current president, know that this is true. Am I supposed to think that our brilliant president, who graduated with honors from Harvard law school, is not privy to this? I have opined in past blogs that I am rather taciturn when it comes to the discussion of health care reform because I see merit on both sides of the debates. The fact that the insurance companies are having such angst tells me that there is merit to some of the changes the president is proposing; yet, I watched our president on Sixty Minutes yesterday and saw him backed away from tort reform. And lest my Republicans friends are feeling emboldened, you too are beholden to the insurance companies--to quote a line from Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, “A pox on both your houses.”
-Verily Prime

Monday, September 7, 2009


Once again, our President finds himself firing and distancing himself from
one of his cohorts; of course, we will be told that the president again will not be responsible because he was not privy to whatever it is that caused the current controversy. How many times are we going to let this man off the hook when others in a similar position would have been castigated by the media? All of us who grew up with any semblance of an authority figure knows the old adage that one can gauge ones character by the friends one keeps-I will not list the other questionable people President Obama has been associated with because, apparently, it does not matter-like a duct, the filth will slide off his back. President Obama’s environmental Czar, believed, among other conspiracies, that President George Bush was culpable in the terrorist attacks, which occurred on 911. I supposed that the FBI’s vetting process is not what it used to be and that our secular messianic president is woefully unaware of the beliefs of many of his radical friends. My friends, and the other member of Verily Prime, always teased me about my being a Luddite--but if I can be privy to the writings of many of President Obama’s many Czars--where is our Peabody worthy newscasters--do not answer that, the query was rhetorical. I am reminded that a couple of years ago, unbeknownst to Vice President Dick Cheney, he had chosen to sate his appetite at a restaurant, which apparently had a miniature Confederate flag painting on its wall--Cheney had to apologize for inadvertently eating at the restaurant. There are those of you, who support the current President, who genuinely believe that his critics are quixotic--no matter, we will keep fighting the wind mills until the scales are off your eyes.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bullies Are Universal

Years ago in Newark, New Jersey, one of my supervisors, an ex CIA operative and fellow lawyer, who now reads this blog, debated and posited the argument that America does not have the stomach to defend itself anymore; then, I disagreed with him, but the recent polls showing that American support for the war in Afghanistan is waning give credence to his position. Despite the typical Hollywood portrayal of soldiers, as being blood thirsty and empty headed, those of us who have served are reluctant warriors...only animated when the call comes and is justify. Such a call came when we were attacked from jihadists operating out of the Afghanistan on 911, yet the majority of Americans in recent poling are now willing to move on. This is jarring because the bullies around the world are looking and deciding where to pounce is their nature...and there is no bully as formidable as those who practice the religion of peace (pun intended). In Spain, the jihadists affected the elections and forced those who were sympathetic to the Bush policies vis-a-vis terrorism out of office. The new Spanish regime did not get a reprieve because they were bombed twice after appeasing those who follow the religion of peace. Do we really believe that the Tali ban will let up on their fight against us, especially when their reward is nestled in least Hitler’s Third Reich had earthly goals like using Africa as its bread basket, not 72 virgins. Later on in this month of September, my daughter and other countless little boys and girls will be going back to school; some of them will again surrender their lunch or money to the school is akin to our growing appetite of not standing up to those whose aim is to impose their way of life on us...the Jihadists are not asking for our money...but our freedom.
-Verily Prime