Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bullies Are Universal

Years ago in Newark, New Jersey, one of my supervisors, an ex CIA operative and fellow lawyer, who now reads this blog, debated and posited the argument that America does not have the stomach to defend itself anymore; then, I disagreed with him, but the recent polls showing that American support for the war in Afghanistan is waning give credence to his position. Despite the typical Hollywood portrayal of soldiers, as being blood thirsty and empty headed, those of us who have served are reluctant warriors...only animated when the call comes and is justify. Such a call came when we were attacked from jihadists operating out of the Afghanistan on 911, yet the majority of Americans in recent poling are now willing to move on. This is jarring because the bullies around the world are looking and deciding where to pounce is their nature...and there is no bully as formidable as those who practice the religion of peace (pun intended). In Spain, the jihadists affected the elections and forced those who were sympathetic to the Bush policies vis-a-vis terrorism out of office. The new Spanish regime did not get a reprieve because they were bombed twice after appeasing those who follow the religion of peace. Do we really believe that the Tali ban will let up on their fight against us, especially when their reward is nestled in least Hitler’s Third Reich had earthly goals like using Africa as its bread basket, not 72 virgins. Later on in this month of September, my daughter and other countless little boys and girls will be going back to school; some of them will again surrender their lunch or money to the school is akin to our growing appetite of not standing up to those whose aim is to impose their way of life on us...the Jihadists are not asking for our money...but our freedom.
-Verily Prime

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