There are times when you just have to pinch yourself to see if you are living in so
alternate universe; I had to do so recently when I heard about “The John Adams Project.” This is an endeavor by the ACLU to out our CIA operatives who brought many of the jihadists to Guantanamo ; the ACLU has appropriated and perverted our second president’s name by deliberately exposing our intelligent operatives and their families to danger. The ACLU does this outing under the guise that Constitutional criminal due process requires them to give the terrorists the names and photos of our operatives. These people who are doing t his exposure deserve a bullet in the head. Whatever happened to the ACLU who fought for the franchise, which allowed minorities to enjoy the Constitutional benisons of this great country? The ACLU’s downward spiral started many years ago….It took a situation in Skokie Illinois, one of the Jewish enclaves, whereby the ACLU advocated on behalf of the Klan to march before Jewish Americans to curtail their support for the ACLU; for me, it was the ACLU’s support of NAMBLA, a pedophilic organization--which basically received legal advice and then placing said advice on its web site--on how to molest little boys with impunity. Eric Holder, our intrepid Attorney General (AG), saw fit to investigate our operatives for so called harsh treatment to the Guantanamo jihadist terrorists, but I am holding my breath until he investigates the ACLU for amounts to treason. Could you believe the things people are getting away with now in this country….?
-Verily Prime
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