Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Something was said last Sunday that should be of dire concern to those of us who consider ourselves traditional Christians. Former national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, ironically to that craven President Carter, recommended that if Israel decided to unilaterally attack Iran’s nuclear sites, the United States, who controls the Iraqi airspace, an area that must be traverse by Israel to reach Iran, should dispatch its fighter jets, located in Iraq, and confront or shoot down the I Israeli fighters if necessary to thwart their mission. I hope that this wasn’t an opinion being floated by the current administration to see how the country would react in case of such a scenario. This must be the same argument used against the Neo Cons for their take and support for pre-emptive war. But Israel has this right to strike the Iranians because the Mullahs are forever saying that they are going to d estroy the Jewish State. We as human beings practice preemption all the time: we have a diet of vegetables and we exercise to prevent heart disease; we send our children to good schools so prevent ignorance and prepare them to succeed as adults…I need not go on to show the nexus of preemptive strike on Iran to Israel’s security. Today, the paper tigers of all stripes congregated at the United Nations, and typically, lauded our secular, messiah president because, whether it is so or not, they think they have a friend in the White House. The problem with these friends, who are presently attending the UN conference, is that they all hate Israel…In my opinion, our current president is not as blatant and conspicuous with his dislike for the Jewish state…but those of us who are traditional Christians have the clarity to see the sleight of hand. I noise this admonition toAmerica that Israel doesn’t need her, but America needs Israel (See Genesis 12:3).
-Verily Prime

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