California has now mandated that students as young as kinder gardeners be taught about bias and bullying against homosexuals; of course, for me the Trojan horse is the pretext of bias or bullying against homosexuals--Perhaps, I should get my disclaimer out of the way now by saying that I don’t condone bias or bullying against homosexuals. Beside the travesty that is taking place in California is the accepted thought that homosexuals are treated like minorities who have suffered racism; moreover, many of our Civil Rights leaders are accepting this bogus comparison and equating their struggles to that of minorities. Tell me what black man can hide from his hue and the few who want to do so have not the means like the late Michael Jackson to do so. The homosexual on the other hand can engage in his behavior without anyone being privy to his proclivity. In law firms here in New York, the Sodom and Gomorrah of the East, there are rampant and wield much power…they throw their life style in your face all the time like a tamer version of the gay parade, as though their flamboyance will sway you to accept their lifestyle. Somebody school me on whether they were born with lisps, which give them that peculiar speech pattern or without bones in their respective wrists. The racists who oppose interracial marriages, sanctioned and codified in the president setting case of Loving V. Virginia, must concede that it is condoned by God and nature with all the Halle Berry like children you see running around. Those of you who engage in political correctness on this issue, void yourself of delusions and ponder that the lesbian will become ruby red and will used the loo sitting down; moreover consider the irony of the adopted child who says, Tommy has two mommies or two daddies. Save your branding of my being ignorant or my being a Philistine.
-Verily Prime
I'm actually on the fence with this one. I read your text in full several times. I see the very faint isthmus between homosexuality and racism. Beloved please keep in mind that no matter how we personally feel about someone's choice of life we are not to harm them for what they believe. If i am Muslim and you're Baptist...should i lay my hands on you because you don't believe in what i believe in? No. We are not the ones to judge. In my world God with handle all of that. I know for a fact there are good "straight" people and there are "good" gay people as well. Everyone has their "bad" ones as well. We must learn to tolorate (at best) those who do not share our views. Beloved keep in mind it takes all kinds of people to make a world.