Sunday, October 18, 2009


The secular messiah and his minions have continued with their jihad against
Fox News--but weep not for Fox because their ratings have spiral, notwithstanding what our “Narcissist of State” had intended. It must be disheartening to the vanity administration that many of those who make up the Fourth Estate (Media) have come out in support of Fox. Now, it is not that the members of the Fourth Estate, who overwhelmingly support Obama, support Fox, but, apparently, they do not have the courage of their convictions in believing that this is the 1000 years reign of the secular messiah…they are looking to the future when perhaps Republicans will occupy the White House again and fear the “tit for tat,” ala the Nixon Administration. In the media, like elsewhere, it is all about looking out for me…so that the Fourth Estate, though the majority of them have drank the Kool-Aid, they have taken the antidote, which allowed them to look at the future objectively, if only borne out of self preservation. Jesus, the real Messiah, never tried to destroy the Sanhedrin (Fox News), even though that He knew its leader, Caiaphas, (Glenn Beck) would sanction his death--I wonder if our secular messiah would be irate because we referred to him in a lower case “m.” There may be hope because if I recalled there were members of the Sanhedrin who believed in the Christ…lest we forget Joseph of Arimathea who provided the tomb to bury the Messiah for his three-day repose....
-Verily Prime

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