Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Notwithstanding our secular messiah president making the olive branch speech to the Muslim world in Egypt, many of those practicing the religion of peace are still hell-bent on killing us. It has been a few weeks since a Pakistani living in Colorado was arrested for plotting to blow up trains in New York, akin to what happened in Spain and England. Again, I am stunned that our secular messiah president force of personality hasn’t transferred to the would-be Pakistani terrorist. We have written in the past on the issue on how that even though our cousins across the pond provide cradle to grave assistance (The Dole) to many Muslims residing there, 20% of them are eager to engage in Jihad-I supposed if I had to enjoy the pleasure of a perpetual slate of 72 virgins in paradise, I would choose Jihad too, in stead of enjoying the largesse of the British. This Pakistani who plotted to kill us here in New York was enjoying a good job ferrying passengers to and fro from the Colorado airport--I wonder how many of my brothers and sisters would have covet such a job, but alas, 72 Arab virgins are quite an incentive and the perpetuity perk I supposed was to hard to resist for our Pakistani immigrant. We are told that there may be some dozen or so Jihadists that were part of the plot and are somewhere out there--I wonder if instead of a plot to bombNew City subways, that they had procured dirty bombs? Would the craven crowd out there bedevil people like me from torturing Zazi (arrested Jihadist) to find the bomb? I personally would support torturing Zazi, the Pakistani that was caught planning to bomb our subways; after all, my siblings, wife and daughter ride the subways, among countless innocent others. One would think that since our secular messiah president (Moses) has led us through the wilderness of the Bush (Pharaoh) years, that the land of milk/honey and manna would entice the likes of Zazi to resist Jihad and enjoy the visual spectacle that are the Rockies. I am told because of recent blasphemies that our secular messiah president will be making another trip to Mount Sinai--oops, I meantMecca or Medina….
-Verily Prime

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