Thursday, October 8, 2009


It is being reported that Russia, Japan, China, France, and Saudi Arabia are floating the idea of replacing the “Greenback” with a basket of currencies. I expected this from the Russians and the Chinese, but from the others--it was shocking. I understand the Russians salivating over the thought of replacing our dollar because of the shellacking they took from us during the Cold War, which cost them the Soviet Union. China, on the other hand, is fledgling, sapling Hegemon and is expected to be flexing its muscles because of our polar opposite political ideology, and we being the current top dog. I could even understand the French whose capital is named after a historical coward (Paris); incidentally, it is said that all French males are born with an extra appendage (a white flag), which is excised by the time they leave the hospital. I am not even going into details about the 40000 Americans who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy…saving the French from the Nazis. The Japanese are bold too because although we rightfully decimated them after their attacks on Pearl Harbor, General MacArthur undertook what amounted to the Marshall Plan for the Far East…rebuilding their economy to what it is now. I have a feeling that in the not too distance future that our Japanese brothers will be seeking our help because of their ever growing belligerent and historical neighbor enemy, the Chinese. As for the House of Saud, we have saved them from Saddam during Desert Storm because, notice the relatively short distance between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Do we think Saddam would have stopped at Kuwait with the Saudi vast oil reserves a hop and a skip down the road? The Saudis have shown their true colors when they funded and still are funding schools that graduate students like those who were responsible for 911--it is why it is prudent to drill, drill and send these Shiite and Sunnis back to the Stone Ag e. The irony is that a couple of weeks ago, it was shown that some of America’s aid was slotted for Russia-go figure. To my Chinese, Russian, French, Saudi, and Japanese friends, look around your respective homes and I am certain that all the amenities that you have were invented in the United States--OK, I give some props to the Japanese in this respect, but you get the picture….I am being reminded by the other member of Verily Prime that our friends/allies are taking precaution because of our secular messiah president profligate spending.
-Verily Prime

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