Something extraordinary happened a few days ago; members of the Fourth Estate refused the secular messiah president’s edict, which was to interview one of his minions without giving the Fox reporter the same courtesy. The members, even those from MSNBC, refused…telling the secular messiah representative that he must include Fox in the interviewing process-the secular messiah relented. God (upper case “G”) knows what awaits these members of the Fourth Estate for their defiance. The secular messiah pay Czar was about to delineate his reasons and rationale for curtailing the pay/perks of those corporation CEOs, which received TARP monies. Once again, I see the logic of requesting those corporations that received tax payers money to be fiscally responsible….what I rail against is the breaching of laws that recognize the principles of contract law, and for me is even more grating, is the fact that for the umpteenth time is being promulgated by a president who once taugh Con-Law. I will repeat this again to the pay Czar, you are a partner at white Shoe law firm that bills hundred of dollars an hour for your firm services-you, being a partner, make literally hundred of thousands annually…are you going to give yourself a pay cut…? Moreover, what of the hundred of millions that the current governor of New Jersey (Corzine) walked away with when he ran Goldman Sachs…? Czar, are you going after Al Gore? Mr. Gore has made over $100 million pushing his charlatan global warming agenda…to what many deemed as junk science. To get back to the defiance and quickening of the members of the Fourth Estate and President Obama’s relenting in allowing Fox into the interview; I am tempted to invoke the Rolling Stones song lyrics, which is more apt for our secular messiah: it goes, “I was around when our [secular messiah] had his moment of doubt….”
-Verily Prime
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