Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reality Check

Today, David Letterman testified before a New York grand jury that he was
being extorted for millions by someone privy to the fact he was having
dalliances with female members of his staff-some how, I almost certain that, it is George Bush’s fault, but I jest. Normally, the members of Verily Prime pay no attention to these idiot savants of vanity, but Letterman is an exception. Let me confess, because Sarah Palin causes Liberals so much angst, this instantly made me one of her most avid supporters. The malignant vitriol spewed at Sarah Palin was unprecedented…and Letterman was one of the leaders of the projectile vomiting. I have written before in past blogs about those whose rotting skeletons were v isible and smelling up the place, but those same people would berate others about their skeletons that were emaciated and dried up. Are we going to hear any jokes about Letterman’s dilemma from the press or fellow comedians--of course not…and that is how it should be. I only wished that they would engage in the same self editing and decency when the feet of clay belong to Republicans, or moreover, traditional Christians. What would happen if the like of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity were to send their producers out and question Letterman’s wife or track down his ten-year-old son, querying the boy about his dad’s serial infidelity? The truth is neither Glenn nor Sean would even entertain such a thought-can we say the same for Letterman or his ilk? When I was in law school, my roommates would ask me, why is it I prayed so much? I told them I did so because, I, as a Christian, knew how much flesh and blood I am. Perhaps, tomorrow morning, Letterman will use his toilet and I hope the familiar smell emanating from his ornate bathroom reminds him that he too is flesh and blood. To paraphrase a line from Shakespeare’s, the Merchant of Venice, “If you prick me, don’t I bleed….
-Verily Prime

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