Monday, October 12, 2009


There has been a de facto propaganda war going on between our secular messiah president administration and Fox news because the latter has been a fly in the ointment/ambrosia provided by our secular messiah. Over the weekend, operatives from the White House officially elevated the de facto war to the status of dejure. I am amazed how the Obama supporters have such limited vistas and conveniently forget the coverage of the last occupant of the White House; yet, with the coverage by their subjective mouthpieces on MSNBC, the Obama White House still engages in the constant refrain of bitching or balling like stereotypical gays caught up in Spain’s running of the bulls. All newscasters, even those at the loathsome MSNBC, put much stock into the Pew research, which has reported that FOX news have been fair to both Senator McCain and President Obama in its coverage during the election process. I am emboldened that the Pew research also named FOX watchers as the most intelligent and informed and consist of across section of liberals, conservatives, and independents. I say to our secular president and minions do the objective math. Tomorrow or later, someone’s pet will do some trick, which then will be placed on You Tube; this pet will get more ratings than anything that you will see on MSNBC. Of course, if I want to know what it was like during the Cold War, then listen or turn to MSNBC to hear the modern version of Pravda, which once represented the Soviet Union-Nyet!
-Verily Prime

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