In a recent discussion about President Obama, one member of the discussion, a Warren Ballentine, called the other member, Juan Williams, a name, which, in essence was akin to a “house negro.” This is what many blacks who support Obama resort to when other blacks criticize the “secular savior.” The irony is that Juan Williams has never voted Republican, and in fact, voted for President Barack Obama. This debate on the O’reilly’s “Factor” was of particular interest to me because I attended law school with Warren Ballentine; I will not belittle Warren’s education because both of us know how hard we had to work to graduate law school, but I was surprise when Warren resort with such ease and in such a cavalier fashion to brand a life-long black democrat as not worthy of his heritage because of critique of Obama. I remembered Warren because I once beseeched him not to write his graduating paper, something required at our law school, because it was on pornography. The reason I tried to talk Warren out of it was because the Ex Attorney General of Ohio, who taught the class, was a traditional Christian and I suspected Warren chose that topic to get a rise out of the Christian Professor. I would like to ask Warren, along with his ilk, was the martyrdom of John Brown, a white man who died because of his beliefs against slavery less important than the martyrdom of MLK or the Jewish kids who died in Mississippi sacrifice any less important or the Quakers who spoke out against the “peculiar institution” long before it was in vogue to do so less important because they were white? I list those above to show that many non-blacks contributed to our freedom and that the Warren Ballentines do not have a monopoly on how to be black. Like the Bryant Gumbles of the world, who were quick to brand everything that Bush did as racist, they have no qualms about leaving their black wives to be with white women-now, as a Christian, there is nothing wrong with interracial marriage…But to hear these guys opine on race, it’s unbelievable. In addition, I am reminded how Warren used to boast about how many white women he bedded down at law school; he is like those racist slave owners who waxed poetic about the negatives about being blacks, yet could not wait to enter the shacks and have sex with their black female slaves. Of course, the Bryant Gumbles and Warren will say that you could be a cad and still be pro-black-likewise, Juan Williams could be black and still criticize Obama. I can only imagine what Warren would say about this member of Verily Prime who saw the true nature of the “secular savior” before he was elevated to Mount Sinai--ironically again by a populace that is only15% black-go figure….
-Verily Prime
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