Friday, December 25, 2009


It has been a year of epochal happenings, the obvious I need not go into. The Members of Verily Prime are simply writing to thank all of you who read this blog, even those who vehemently disagreed (especially, you dad) with our positions on the given issues. I hope in the future, we can still get into the spirited debates we’ve had in the past because I am certain that more epochal times are on the horizon. Know that we do what we do because we love this country and that we also privy to the fact that those who disagree with us do too. By now, you know our biases for traditional Christianity, but also you know that even us will be implicated because we too are flesh and blood and have “feet of clay.” I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, even those of our atheists followers, and success in the coming year in your respective vocations and other endeavors. With all our problems, we still live in the greatest nation on earth and I truly hope that it continues to be so. Until tomorrow, enjoy the blessings of these United States.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Years ago, my Conservative friends were mad at the members of Verily
Prime for supporting Elian Gonzalez’s returned to his father in Cuba because we placed ourselves in the father’s shoes. My conservative friends took the
opposing position, which was predicated upon their ideology that opposed the Cuban dictatorship. For us, notwithstanding Castro’s atrocities, it was germane to rightfully place the young Gonzalez’s boy back with his surviving parent-in this case, the father. The fact that the father lived in Cuba was of no consequence for our position and it should not have been. Today, we have a similar situation being played out between New Jersey and Brazil. A mother from Jersey took her son to Brazil…got re-married to a Brazilian doctor and subsequently died giving birth. In the interim, the Brazilian doctor has refused to send the boy back to his dad in New Jersey. Bear in mind, that the New Jersey father was and is a good father to his son and has been relentless in trying to get him back. For that Brazilian doctor--who incidentally sired a daughter with the boy’s mother--place yourself in the New Jersey father’s position. The Brazilian father’s position is that the boy loves his new family, including his young sister…and that those facts should trump the law. Think of the president this would usher in: in essence, if someone kidnaps a child and said child comes to like the surrounding amenities, then every parent in similar situations should lose his or her child. I supposed, Jesus forbids, if the doctor’s daughter, when she is older, is kidnapped and forced into slave trafficking and child prostitution, and the pimp/
kidnapper treats her well…it would be ok for the doctor to lose his parental right. Well, you say, prostitution is illegal…so too is kidnapping. I say to the Brazilian authorities, do the right thing. It must be noted that in the Gonzales case, it was Janet Reno, our then Attorney General, who gave the orders to literally take Elian that he could go back to his father in Cuba.
-Verily Prime

Friday, December 18, 2009


He is no different from those ladies who wake up in the wee hours of the Morn and pray for those they have never met and for countries whose shores they have never been to--mom, I include you in this category. Ron Parsley is a preacher out of Ohio who spends much of his time purchasing blacks from the fetters of modern slavery-of course, none of our intrepid Civil Rights leaders will dare speak of this modern slavery carried out by blacks on blacks, predominantly in Africa. If there are those of you who do not believe us, look at Christian Amanpour Sixty Minutes report on the subject matter. You will never see Reverend Parsley or others of faith being recognized for what they have done because such is the nature of our world now. One, the secular powers that are would never recognize any Christian and their endeavors; and two, they will not bring attention to the slavery issue to embarrass those African Countries and others who practice this evil. There are those of us who are going to say that Parsley is a televangelist, as though he should be ashamed-but those like him jobs are akin to the CIA. Their failures are always pronounced, but their good deeds are seldom celebrated. Another stroke of genius humanity carried out by Parsley is his purchasing of Ultra Sound machines and placing them strategically across from abortions clinics for those ladies who are contemplating adding to the holocaust to see the evidence and proof of life, recognizing the gravity that they were about to undertake. For those like Reverend Parsley and our mother, they take heed in the sobering fact that if Jesus were walking the earth in the flesh today and repeating the good deeds He did in the Bible, He would not be recognized by the Nobel Committee.
-Verily Prime

Monday, December 14, 2009


The members of Verily Prime are not prone to jumping on bandwagons, but we do so now because it is warranted, and moreover, objectivity calls for this positive aberration on our part. We were pleasantly surprised by the pro-America speech President Obama gave when he picked up his Nobel Peace Prize. It was long over due for these ungrateful Europeans to hear once again about the price in bloodletting and sacrifice America has paid in securing their freedom they so richly enjoy when they criticized us about our supposedly jingoism. Before Obama’s speech, I thought we would have had to procure a time machine and show these ingrates what life would have been like had the Nazis succeeded. I wonder if the Europeans still love our Secular Messiah President for schooling them that peace is sometimes secured by wars and that no negotiating will bring Al Queada to the peace table. The lessons, ironically, of the fame European, Otto Bismarck is still apt today…that war is an extension of peace…. Incidentally, to my European brothers and sisters, you think that you are sophisticated in your dealings vis-à-vis the jihadist problem cancerously rampant in your midst, but we know your posture is borne out of cowardice. I will noised this posture again by saying that America will have to save your butts again in the near future-props to the French under Sarkozy for his practical dealings with those who practice the religion of peace-go figure, the French is the ones putting up a decent fight in the coming formal conflict between Muslim jihadists and the free world.
-Verily Prime

Thursday, December 10, 2009


The Democrats have both houses of Congress and the presidential bully pulpit, yet, apparently, it is not enough. Case in point, the formidable wall the Dems have to spiral to get healthcare reform enacted is causing the likes of Harry Reid to hit below the belt. Our modern day Napoleon is not handling his coming waterloo well; he has equated Republican opposition to healthcare reform akin to the supposedly Republican stance against emancipation for the slaves during the Pre-Bellum period. Perhaps, I have my history wrong-but I thought that President Lincoln was a Republican and that he is noted in our history as responsible for freeing the slaves. Circa 1981, my brother Leon was secretly dating this Mormon girl in high-school, which in itself was a no, no, even then in Concord California. My other brothers and I were curious about the Mormon Faith and went inquiring of our dad (hope you recalled this Dad). Dad, being the walking font of data he was, conveyed to us that the Mormons had just recently allowed blacks to be part of their laity (1977). When we asked my brother’s girlfriend why the delay in allowing blacks to be members of their church, notwithstanding our listening to the Osmonds music, we were told that it was in 1977 that their leader received an epiphany from on high. Our dad reasoning for the Mormons allowing blacks to be part of their congregation was more grounded; he told us that it was a tax thing. I conveyed this story because I thought it was apt to Harry Reid, a proud Mormon, to let him know that he must be careful when using “race” because the “Peculiar Institution” has implicated many, even the Mormons.
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


t is said that one of the Democratic operatives, Bob Shrum, suggested to the Obama camp that he should say that the Iraqi war was the wrong war to wage as opposed to the theatre in Afghanistan. The Democrats did not want to look weak in the area of foreign policy; and as such, President Obama took the advice and became a proponent and posits over the campaign circle why the war in Afghanistan was the right war-he even went as far as to replace the general in charge--Ironically, the new general recommended what the sacked general wanted, which was an increased in troops, resulting in the Commander In Chief being deemed as ‘dithering.’ This dithering is a testament of the modern Democratic Party who has no stomach to fight, even when our national interests are at stake--somewhere in Georgia, Sam Nun is scratching his head wondering what happened to the Democratic Party he knew. When I served in the Army, there was always this visceral feeling that only the Republicans had our backs; and, looking at the bland speech our normally eloquent president gave at West Point, which had the cadets engaging in well deserved Z’s, gives credence to those sentiments. I am almost certain that President Obama will be his eloquent self when he visits the Copenhagen climate conference, which will be positing AL Gore’s bogus “global warming” nonsense-this is now where the current Democratic Party passion lies. Who knows, maybe we will see again our President genuflecting to some foreign dignitary, akin to a typical weekend down at South Beach, Florida or Christopher Street in San Francisco.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The abomination that is most of Liberal or Progressive thinking is being threatened by Sarah Palin out of Alaska and the fight is on. I have never witnessed such rank hatred for anyone who has espoused a philosophy attacked from the left like Governor Palin. Those who are out in force personally attacking Palin, especially since the Alaskan governor is pushing a book, are not up in arms out of pure loyalty to their ideology, but out of defense to their way of making a living. Think of all the feminist mouthpieces that have made a very good living espousing the progressive ideas like the murder of the innocents; and, now having someone like Palin challenging this genocidal philosophy and who has the courage of her conviction by bringing into this world a baby that she knew before hand was impaired, is a formidable opponent. It does not help liberals that there is a popular wave, albeit from mostly Christian Fundamentalist like ourselves, who cannot be swayed by their perverted refrains. We have seen this before; the main reason that our Black Civil Rights leaders hated Clarence Thomas was because he threatened their monies borne out of a philosophy, which espoused, “sit on your asses and blame the white man” for every social ill that adversely affect Blacks. Sarah Palin has a platform and believes that abortion is murder; and because abortion or “choice” is the fulcrum the modern Feminist movement rests upon, we can understand the scorch earth posture--so the guardians of the hydra-like perversion must destroy Palin at all cost. Now as social conservatives, we are bathing in the glow of anything that is giving the liberals angst. To Gloria Steinem and the rest of the threatened Feminist movement, over 2000 years ago, a Man came espousing the Good News, healing the sick, raising the dead, and preaching a philosophy, which was difficult to ignore once heard. Notwithstanding what we Christians believe about who this man was and is, the practical reasons this extraordinary Man had to be crucified are legion--having no need for doctors, palm readers, celebrities, motivational speakers, gurus, lobbyists, media, politicians, farmers, and undertakers. Ironically, Sarah Palin is an ardent follower of this Divine Man.

-Verily Prime

Friday, November 13, 2009


We cannot satisfy this Trojan horse housing jihadists with carrots or oats; but I am hoping that we have the political will and wherewithal to turn this cancerous animal from the equine family into innocuous glue-and to do so painfully and with extreme prejudice. About six weeks ago, a female colleague of this member made the trek to England and conveyed to the members of Verily Prime, via e-mail, that what we have blogged about in the past on America having to go in sometime in the near future to rescue the English from Muslim jihadists is rapidly becoming a reality. The British, who once had great warriors like Lord Admiral Nelson, are now cowering with their once reliable “stiff upper lip” quaking and giving in to radical Islamist out of sheer fear. Our cousins across the pond have resort to political correctness to appease the jihadists…fining and arresting Christians for proselytizing. America has now adopted the British failed policy of appeasement, via many in the Fourth Estate, by invoking political correctness. Look on how the media are pushing the spurious position that the Muslim terrorist who murdered 14--and I say 14--because I also counted the baby in one of the victim’s womb, as criminal or that he was suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. The media have gone out of their way to portray this terrorist act as a criminal matter, neglecting the cry to God (Allah Akbar), as are the terrorists wont, before engaging in wanton murder like what took place at Fort Hood. I will boldly say that, in years to come, those who now look at George Bush with hatred will be thankful for his pro-active efforts in combating Muslim terrorism. It may be a rhetorical question for most of us, but does anyone thinks that the jihadists fear our secular messiah like how they feared President Bush? As far I can tell now that if you carry a gun, while murdering in the name of Allah, and not bombs, it is no longer consider a terrorist act in the eyes of many in the media and so far for the secular messiah’s administration too-As I am writing this blog, it is being reported that Attorney General Holder has decided to put on trial, in our courts in New York, the mastermind of 911. This educated empty suit of a president is doing his best to out do Jimmy Carter as our worst president; as my Canadians brothers would say, “to bout,” that he has only been in office for only a year.
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have seen you share your rations, your water in your canteen with those
who hunger and those who thirst; I have heard how you absorbed the grenade, living the words of David’s 23rd Psalm by fearing no evil and willingly walked into the shadow of the valley of death…I have seen your dead bodies in Africa, paying penance for doling out food to the hungry and in the Balkans fighting genocidal sociopaths for our Muslim brothers and sisters; I have seen politicians of all stripes using you as props to further their venal careers; I have seen those who were born in August surroundings, who went to school in August surrounding, and now are employed in August surroundings, deciding your fate; I have witnessed those in loafers and cardigan sweaters drinking tea with their pinkies elevated and eating crumpets, while disparaging your service, not realizing that you gave them the right to do so; I have seen Jane Fonda making a mint off exercise tapes, while you struggle to put food on your table for your own family; I have seen you struggle to mend your tattered conscience because of the nature of
war; and I have seen the white crosses adorning the landscape of Western Europe and Forest Lawn. And in the wee hours of awe when I look in on my wife and daughter sleeping in safety-it’s because of you; when my daughter is telling me to buy her this or that-it’s because of you; when I have to watch Hannah Montana or Dora the explorer–it’s because of you; on Sundays when I worship the Christ in freedom-it’s because of you; and when I watch my God-awful Oakland Raiders-it’s because of you. I honor these soldiers: Kenneth Temple who taught me about the fairer sex; to John who introduced me to ACDC and Def Leppard and I returning the favor by introducing him Bob Marley; to Sergeant Pablo who fed us his wife “Kimchi” and snake in the desert of Yakima; to Sergeant Autry who daily ran us 7-10 miles at Fort Lewis; To Master Sergeant Williams who would deliberately cut the Com lines in the dead of night I had laid down on the German tundra--so to build my fortitude and discipline; to Captain flowers who, while we were training in the German Mountains, went out to pick up our mail and never came back. To paraphrase Colin Powell, when our soldiers fall in defense of noble Democracy, all we ask is for enough earth to honor and bury our dead; moreover, it was the Christ who said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for” Have a festive Memorial Day honored living and dead….
-Verily Prime


I have seen you share your rations, your water in your canteen with those
who hunger and those who thirst; I have heard how you absorbed the grenade, living the words of David’s 23rd Psalm by fearing no evil and willingly walked into the shadow of the valley of death…I have seen your dead bodies in Africa, paying penance for doling out food to the hungry and in the Balkans fighting genocidal sociopaths for our Muslim brothers and sisters; I have seen politicians of all stripes using you as props to further their venal careers; I have seen those who were born in August surroundings, who went to school in August surrounding, and now are employed in August surroundings, deciding your fate; I have witnessed those in loafers and cardigan sweaters drinking tea with their pinkies elevated and eating crumpets, while disparaging your service, not realizing that you gave them the right to do so; I have seen Jane Fonda making a mint off exercise tapes, while you struggle to put food on your table for your own family; I have seen you struggle to mend your tattered conscience because of the nature of
war; and I have seen the white crosses adorning the landscape of Western Europe and Forest Lawn. And in the wee hours of awe when I look in on my wife and daughter sleeping in safety-it’s because of you; when my daughter is telling me to buy her this or that-it’s because of you; when I have to watch Hannah Montana or Dora the explorer–it’s because of you; on Sundays when I worship the Christ in freedom-it’s because of you; and when I watch my God-awful Oakland Raiders-it’s because of you. I honor these soldiers: Kenneth Temple who taught me about the fairer sex; to John who introduced me to ACDC and Def Leppard and I returning the favor by introducing him Bob Marley; to Sergeant Pablo who fed us his wife “Kimchi” and snake in the desert of Yakima; to Sergeant Autry who daily ran us 7-10 miles at Fort Lewis; To Master Sergeant Williams who would deliberately cut the Com lines in the dead of night I had laid down on the German tundra--so to build my fortitude and discipline; to Captain flowers who, while we were training in the German Mountains, went out to pick up our mail and never came back. To paraphrase Colin Powell, when our soldiers fall in defense of noble Democracy, all we ask is for enough earth to honor and bury our dead; moreover, it was the Christ who said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for” Have a festive Memorial Day honored living and dead….
-Verily Prime

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Some months ago, before our president heard the details of what took place between the Boston Police and Professor Gates, our president deemed the former “stupid;” however, yesterday, when a Muslim terrorist shouted Allah Akbar before gunning down fourteen innocent lives, our president said don’t jump to any conclusions. In addition, Time Magazine and Newsweek are implying that because the terrorist was scheduled to serve in the war theatre, he felt stressed because he would have had to attend to psychologically to those US soldiers who were supposedly in the theatre to kill Muslims. Long ago, I refused to read these magazines because they see the truth as being relative. I am certain that the Germans immigrants, who mostly settled in the Philadelphia area, fought their Nazi brothers and that many Japanese Americans did the same against their brothers, and moreover, during the Clinton Administration, my white brothers and sisters, who were soldiers, bled and died, ironically, protecting Muslims in the Balkans. We are told that the terrorist was called a racist name, and therefore, his murderous actions were justified. As avid movie aficionados, the members of Verily Prime have heard blacks being referred to as “niggers” in the classic God Father movies and many of the early Quinton Tarrantino’s movies, I supposed now we are justified to go out and kill our white brothers and sisters. Time Magazine had nothing to say about the terrorist joining of the Armed Forces on his own volition and who subsequently received excellent schooling and pay. I will conclude by saying that I will not judge all Muslims collectively, but that there is a malignant strain among them that must be wiped out. I have read that Putin, in dealing with that malignant strain that murdered hundred of innocent children years ago in the former Soviet Union, had the dead terrorists buried in swine--bravo, bravo, to the Russians. I hope the American people look at their cousins across the pond and prepare themselves for what is rapidly approaching these shores, if its not here already.
-Verily Prime

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I know that what took place in the respective gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey is not a representative sample, but I am hoping that there are cracks in the secular messiah’s “sheepdom.” I found it amazing how the Obama Administration had a spin for what took place, downplaying the many visits our teleprompter in chief made toVirginia and New Jersey. There appear that some in the sheepdom are no longer swayed by the empty eloquence of the secular savior, but is waiting out until said eloquence manifest itself into substance like jobs. There is much time left for President Obama to fix the economy and for the members of his sheepdom to again walk in lockstep with the president. In Maine, the people voted against same sex marriage, again, rejecting the tacit support from our secular messiah. I hear again that some members of the sheepdom are pushing that bogus analogy of equating the struggles of gays to that of blacks; I have counted twice, once in Deuteronomy and the other in Romans where the Christian faith specifically speak out against homosexual behavior-I dear anyone who read this blog to tell me where in the scriptures where it says that being black is against the tenets of Christianity. I am aware of the bill enacted recently that would prevent “hate speech” against gays, but mark my prose, that, probably in California or in New York, some gay will sue a preacher from quoting from Deuteronomy and Romans, which proscribed homosexual behavior, deeming it as “hate speech.” This type of law suit is a new phenomenon that is taking place in certain areas of Canada, which, I am certain, will make its way to these ever increasing secular litigious shores. In that same vein, there are Biblical tenets against those of us who have had sex without being marriage (Fornication); and those who are marriage having sex outside the marriage (Adultery); those who have stolen; or those who have covet someone or thing belonging to another; or lying; and those who bear false witness-all these behaviors are proscribed in the Bible, which, one could make the case that if any preacher quote scriptures chastising his flock against such listed behaviors would also be tantamount to “hate speech.”
-Verily Prime

Thursday, October 29, 2009


There are times when the members of Verily Prime are so busy, mainly due to filial obligations, that we butcher the English language or we misspell words without correcting the blog; but we will never be too busy not to address the ever growing and malicious, vicious disrespect those in Hollywood or elsewhere carryout against the Christian faith. Such a gross depiction of disrespect for the Christian faith took place this past Sunday when Larry David of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fame supposedly, accidentally urinated on a portrait of Jesus’ face, causing the Catholics who saw the aftermath (tearful Jesus) to genuflect. This disrespect is getting so bad that this member of Verily Prime has been searching the scriptures, to no avail, for any Jihad clauses, among the four Gospels, which would allow me to justify harm to those who think they can continue to be immune from such insults (satire intended). Replace the picture of Jesus with that of the Quran, and HBO would have been surrounded and the Fatwa on Mr. David would have worked corruption of blood on Larry’s bloodline. In New York, years ago, then Mayor Koch, during the Christmas season, sanctioned the placing of a Crescent Moon and Menorah among the Nativity scene, but had grave issues with the manger scene, which had the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus-I have never heard of traditional Christians calling for the wholesale slaughter of the Jews, unlike many of those who represent the Crescent Moon. Another apt example happened a few years ago when famed Actor Robert Duval gave Stephen Spielberg a verbal shellacking because the latter had gone to Cuba and lauded Castro, even though Castro had a few days earlier summarily killed three journalists for criticizing his regime. Duval asked the fame director what if someone were lauding Hitler--most of Hollywood think they have the liberty to say anything about the Christian faith and they chalk it up under the all encompassing, “satire.” As an attorney, I know the merits of the First Amendment’s position on free speech, but it is a right that is qualified. If you were to visit the Vietnam War Memorial and urinated on it, God forbid, I would expect any veteran to give you a beat down, especially one who fought in Vietnam, notwithstanding satire or your First Amendment’s rights. Although my flesh does not like these insults against my faith, the Jesus I serve will never condone any harm that comes to my mind for the like of Larry David-in the mean time, Larry Johnson, a member of the Kansas City football team, was suspended for making a gay slur. Once again, we look through our vistas and see the twin malignancies of bias and political correctness amassing power.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


You were born on the Eastern Caribbean Island of St. Kitts and joined the armed forces
of the United States from the U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Thomas) and then did your duties in Vietnam. You are one of those veterans who seldom speak about your duties in that theatre, but I have seen your rusted medals. You then joined the boys in blue in Oakland, California, and then saw fit to bring me from abject poverty to these cornucopia shores in 1981. I remembered my brothers and I wanting a swimming pool and you agreed, provided that we get a paper route; we delivered the Oakland Tribune until we could raise the funds for the pool. I remembered being scared to death when we had to deliver over three hundred papers by ourselves because you were unexpectedly called to your real job. I remembered you teaching me to drive a stick shift and taking me down to the dreaded hills of San Francisco and hearing your constant admonition of, “stop with the Jack rabbit starts and don’t burn out my clutch.” I remembered once we had finished painting, and, on our way home, you stopped to have lunch at a McDonald in Martinez, California; when we entered, it seems that because we were Black, the white patrons were laughing and making fun at us. You didn’t panicked, but you exposed your police badge and revolver and proceeded to let your country mile length of credit cards deliberately be seen by said patrons whose giggling stopped abruptly. I remembered you making my brothers and I privy to certain proclivities of certain celebrities long before they came to light. I remembered how you had the ability to explain some philosophical concept, and, at the same time on Saturdays, break down you corvette and put it back together. I’ve always had benign envy for you for being an intellectual and also being mechanically inclined and my having no clue in the latter matters. Because of your well rounded faculties, my brother Louis and I scoured the dictionary to find a word to describe you, which was, “Factotum,” (Jack of all trades). In a past blog, I told those who read this blog how you would excoriate the members of Verily Prime when you don’t agree with us--which is seldom. Alas, you are not perfect because I wished that our blogs would slowly scrape the scales from your eyes, especially when it comes to our secular messiah president, and let you see the light, ala the Apostle Paul’s conversion on his way to Damascus. I know that you read the blog religiously, but whether you are now in Georgia, Greece, or Africa,I wish you a happy birthday dad and longevity in Christ Jesus.
-Verily Prime

Monday, October 26, 2009


It is rather daunting to see the debt clock in down-town Manhattan, which shows the money each individual must contribute to combat our growing deficit; moreover, to extrapolate the amount our children and grandchildren will owe in the future. Those who read this blog know that the members of Verily Prime seldom opine on mattes of economics because it is not our forte and that it is area of study where the players (economists) are schizophrenics-You know the phrase, “On one hand, but on the other hand.” There is no certainty in that science and I have to agree with my Contracts law professor who said that he just hope to one day meet a one arm economist. This debate about fiscal prudence shouldn't be a left or right issue; it affects us all. Think of all those countries we are privy to whose currencies are virtually worthless-some, we have taken advantage of by vacation in these countries because the “Greenback” took us far in our purchases. I am in no way suggesting that those who are engaging in profligate spending do not love their children or grand-children, but I see them as looking at the issue as one of degree, thinking that the situation is not as dire. Last week our rating agencies say in less than a decade our credit worthy profile would be akin to junk status. Once again, extrapolate and think of the kind of lifestyle this resulting super-inflation and the like would affect our children’s way of life. We only have to look at our own budget woes and juggling to have clues as to how our children’s lives will be. I myself is keeping hope alive for the day when I will see this one-arm economist, but I am also mindful of the sobering fact that the future loan sharks will not be wearing the typical wife-beaters and armed with Louisville sluggers, but probably representing two countries: one whose flags is lime green, accompanied by a menacing sword (Saudi Arabia); and the other with the backdrop of a blue sky, white skies, and wholly red earth (The Republic of China).
-Verily Prime

Friday, October 23, 2009


Something extraordinary happened a few days ago; members of the Fourth Estate refused the secular messiah president’s edict, which was to interview one of his minions without giving the Fox reporter the same courtesy. The members, even those from MSNBC, refused…telling the secular messiah representative that he must include Fox in the interviewing process-the secular messiah relented. God (upper case “G”) knows what awaits these members of the Fourth Estate for their defiance. The secular messiah pay Czar was about to delineate his reasons and rationale for curtailing the pay/perks of those corporation CEOs, which received TARP monies. Once again, I see the logic of requesting those corporations that received tax payers money to be fiscally responsible….what I rail against is the breaching of laws that recognize the principles of contract law, and for me is even more grating, is the fact that for the umpteenth time is being promulgated by a president who once taugh Con-Law. I will repeat this again to the pay Czar, you are a partner at white Shoe law firm that bills hundred of dollars an hour for your firm services-you, being a partner, make literally hundred of thousands annually…are you going to give yourself a pay cut…? Moreover, what of the hundred of millions that the current governor of New Jersey (Corzine) walked away with when he ran Goldman Sachs…? Czar, are you going after Al Gore? Mr. Gore has made over $100 million pushing his charlatan global warming agenda…to what many deemed as junk science. To get back to the defiance and quickening of the members of the Fourth Estate and President Obama’s relenting in allowing Fox into the interview; I am tempted to invoke the Rolling Stones song lyrics, which is more apt for our secular messiah: it goes, “I was around when our [secular messiah] had his moment of doubt….”
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


In a recent discussion about President Obama, one member of the discussion, a Warren Ballentine, called the other member, Juan Williams, a name, which, in essence was akin to a “house negro.” This is what many blacks who support Obama resort to when other blacks criticize the “secular savior.” The irony is that Juan Williams has never voted Republican, and in fact, voted for President Barack Obama. This debate on the O’reilly’s “Factor” was of particular interest to me because I attended law school with Warren Ballentine; I will not belittle Warren’s education because both of us know how hard we had to work to graduate law school, but I was surprise when Warren resort with such ease and in such a cavalier fashion to brand a life-long black democrat as not worthy of his heritage because of critique of Obama. I remembered Warren because I once beseeched him not to write his graduating paper, something required at our law school, because it was on pornography. The reason I tried to talk Warren out of it was because the Ex Attorney General of Ohio, who taught the class, was a traditional Christian and I suspected Warren chose that topic to get a rise out of the Christian Professor. I would like to ask Warren, along with his ilk, was the martyrdom of John Brown, a white man who died because of his beliefs against slavery less important than the martyrdom of MLK or the Jewish kids who died in Mississippi sacrifice any less important or the Quakers who spoke out against the “peculiar institution” long before it was in vogue to do so less important because they were white? I list those above to show that many non-blacks contributed to our freedom and that the Warren Ballentines do not have a monopoly on how to be black. Like the Bryant Gumbles of the world, who were quick to brand everything that Bush did as racist, they have no qualms about leaving their black wives to be with white women-now, as a Christian, there is nothing wrong with interracial marriage…But to hear these guys opine on race, it’s unbelievable. In addition, I am reminded how Warren used to boast about how many white women he bedded down at law school; he is like those racist slave owners who waxed poetic about the negatives about being blacks, yet could not wait to enter the shacks and have sex with their black female slaves. Of course, the Bryant Gumbles and Warren will say that you could be a cad and still be pro-black-likewise, Juan Williams could be black and still criticize Obama. I can only imagine what Warren would say about this member of Verily Prime who saw the true nature of the “secular savior” before he was elevated to Mount Sinai--ironically again by a populace that is only15% black-go figure….
-Verily Prime

Sunday, October 18, 2009


The secular messiah and his minions have continued with their jihad against
Fox News--but weep not for Fox because their ratings have spiral, notwithstanding what our “Narcissist of State” had intended. It must be disheartening to the vanity administration that many of those who make up the Fourth Estate (Media) have come out in support of Fox. Now, it is not that the members of the Fourth Estate, who overwhelmingly support Obama, support Fox, but, apparently, they do not have the courage of their convictions in believing that this is the 1000 years reign of the secular messiah…they are looking to the future when perhaps Republicans will occupy the White House again and fear the “tit for tat,” ala the Nixon Administration. In the media, like elsewhere, it is all about looking out for me…so that the Fourth Estate, though the majority of them have drank the Kool-Aid, they have taken the antidote, which allowed them to look at the future objectively, if only borne out of self preservation. Jesus, the real Messiah, never tried to destroy the Sanhedrin (Fox News), even though that He knew its leader, Caiaphas, (Glenn Beck) would sanction his death--I wonder if our secular messiah would be irate because we referred to him in a lower case “m.” There may be hope because if I recalled there were members of the Sanhedrin who believed in the Christ…lest we forget Joseph of Arimathea who provided the tomb to bury the Messiah for his three-day repose....
-Verily Prime

Monday, October 12, 2009


There has been a de facto propaganda war going on between our secular messiah president administration and Fox news because the latter has been a fly in the ointment/ambrosia provided by our secular messiah. Over the weekend, operatives from the White House officially elevated the de facto war to the status of dejure. I am amazed how the Obama supporters have such limited vistas and conveniently forget the coverage of the last occupant of the White House; yet, with the coverage by their subjective mouthpieces on MSNBC, the Obama White House still engages in the constant refrain of bitching or balling like stereotypical gays caught up in Spain’s running of the bulls. All newscasters, even those at the loathsome MSNBC, put much stock into the Pew research, which has reported that FOX news have been fair to both Senator McCain and President Obama in its coverage during the election process. I am emboldened that the Pew research also named FOX watchers as the most intelligent and informed and consist of across section of liberals, conservatives, and independents. I say to our secular president and minions do the objective math. Tomorrow or later, someone’s pet will do some trick, which then will be placed on You Tube; this pet will get more ratings than anything that you will see on MSNBC. Of course, if I want to know what it was like during the Cold War, then listen or turn to MSNBC to hear the modern version of Pravda, which once represented the Soviet Union-Nyet!
-Verily Prime

Thursday, October 8, 2009


It is being reported that Russia, Japan, China, France, and Saudi Arabia are floating the idea of replacing the “Greenback” with a basket of currencies. I expected this from the Russians and the Chinese, but from the others--it was shocking. I understand the Russians salivating over the thought of replacing our dollar because of the shellacking they took from us during the Cold War, which cost them the Soviet Union. China, on the other hand, is fledgling, sapling Hegemon and is expected to be flexing its muscles because of our polar opposite political ideology, and we being the current top dog. I could even understand the French whose capital is named after a historical coward (Paris); incidentally, it is said that all French males are born with an extra appendage (a white flag), which is excised by the time they leave the hospital. I am not even going into details about the 40000 Americans who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy…saving the French from the Nazis. The Japanese are bold too because although we rightfully decimated them after their attacks on Pearl Harbor, General MacArthur undertook what amounted to the Marshall Plan for the Far East…rebuilding their economy to what it is now. I have a feeling that in the not too distance future that our Japanese brothers will be seeking our help because of their ever growing belligerent and historical neighbor enemy, the Chinese. As for the House of Saud, we have saved them from Saddam during Desert Storm because, notice the relatively short distance between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Do we think Saddam would have stopped at Kuwait with the Saudi vast oil reserves a hop and a skip down the road? The Saudis have shown their true colors when they funded and still are funding schools that graduate students like those who were responsible for 911--it is why it is prudent to drill, drill and send these Shiite and Sunnis back to the Stone Ag e. The irony is that a couple of weeks ago, it was shown that some of America’s aid was slotted for Russia-go figure. To my Chinese, Russian, French, Saudi, and Japanese friends, look around your respective homes and I am certain that all the amenities that you have were invented in the United States--OK, I give some props to the Japanese in this respect, but you get the picture….I am being reminded by the other member of Verily Prime that our friends/allies are taking precaution because of our secular messiah president profligate spending.
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Notwithstanding our secular messiah president making the olive branch speech to the Muslim world in Egypt, many of those practicing the religion of peace are still hell-bent on killing us. It has been a few weeks since a Pakistani living in Colorado was arrested for plotting to blow up trains in New York, akin to what happened in Spain and England. Again, I am stunned that our secular messiah president force of personality hasn’t transferred to the would-be Pakistani terrorist. We have written in the past on the issue on how that even though our cousins across the pond provide cradle to grave assistance (The Dole) to many Muslims residing there, 20% of them are eager to engage in Jihad-I supposed if I had to enjoy the pleasure of a perpetual slate of 72 virgins in paradise, I would choose Jihad too, in stead of enjoying the largesse of the British. This Pakistani who plotted to kill us here in New York was enjoying a good job ferrying passengers to and fro from the Colorado airport--I wonder how many of my brothers and sisters would have covet such a job, but alas, 72 Arab virgins are quite an incentive and the perpetuity perk I supposed was to hard to resist for our Pakistani immigrant. We are told that there may be some dozen or so Jihadists that were part of the plot and are somewhere out there--I wonder if instead of a plot to bombNew City subways, that they had procured dirty bombs? Would the craven crowd out there bedevil people like me from torturing Zazi (arrested Jihadist) to find the bomb? I personally would support torturing Zazi, the Pakistani that was caught planning to bomb our subways; after all, my siblings, wife and daughter ride the subways, among countless innocent others. One would think that since our secular messiah president (Moses) has led us through the wilderness of the Bush (Pharaoh) years, that the land of milk/honey and manna would entice the likes of Zazi to resist Jihad and enjoy the visual spectacle that are the Rockies. I am told because of recent blasphemies that our secular messiah president will be making another trip to Mount Sinai--oops, I meantMecca or Medina….
-Verily Prime

Saturday, October 3, 2009


In the Gospels, we are told that, Jesus, the son of God, petitioned the Apostle
Peter to procure a denarius from a fish’s mouth to pay their taxes--thus, rendering unto Caesar. I figure if the Son of God can render unto to Caesar,
who are we that are bit over weight? There is a move afoot in Washington to tax those who are obese--The fiscal logic is that a disproportionate amount of monies are allocated to the attendant diseases that come with being overweight. Let me play an objective advocate, without the fetters of political correctness--do you think if some fundamentalist, Republican legislatures were to enact a law for having gays pay more taxes, the outrage would be deafening. One could make the case that there are many a diseases that are associated and prevalent among those who engage in homosexual behavior. With that said, I hope that they raise the taxes dramatically for those residing in Miami’s South Beach, San Francisco, New York’s Upper East Side, LA/Hollywood, and basically any English men residing here. To my friend in New Jersey, I know what you are thinking, what if you are fat and gay?
-Verily Prime

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reality Check

Today, David Letterman testified before a New York grand jury that he was
being extorted for millions by someone privy to the fact he was having
dalliances with female members of his staff-some how, I almost certain that, it is George Bush’s fault, but I jest. Normally, the members of Verily Prime pay no attention to these idiot savants of vanity, but Letterman is an exception. Let me confess, because Sarah Palin causes Liberals so much angst, this instantly made me one of her most avid supporters. The malignant vitriol spewed at Sarah Palin was unprecedented…and Letterman was one of the leaders of the projectile vomiting. I have written before in past blogs about those whose rotting skeletons were v isible and smelling up the place, but those same people would berate others about their skeletons that were emaciated and dried up. Are we going to hear any jokes about Letterman’s dilemma from the press or fellow comedians--of course not…and that is how it should be. I only wished that they would engage in the same self editing and decency when the feet of clay belong to Republicans, or moreover, traditional Christians. What would happen if the like of Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity were to send their producers out and question Letterman’s wife or track down his ten-year-old son, querying the boy about his dad’s serial infidelity? The truth is neither Glenn nor Sean would even entertain such a thought-can we say the same for Letterman or his ilk? When I was in law school, my roommates would ask me, why is it I prayed so much? I told them I did so because, I, as a Christian, knew how much flesh and blood I am. Perhaps, tomorrow morning, Letterman will use his toilet and I hope the familiar smell emanating from his ornate bathroom reminds him that he too is flesh and blood. To paraphrase a line from Shakespeare’s, the Merchant of Venice, “If you prick me, don’t I bleed….
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Naïveté And Arrogance

t is being reported that the French President Sarkozy thinks that President Obama is so dangerously naïve that the security of the free world is at risk. One of the many reasons that President Sarkozy came to that conclusion was Obama’s recent speech, at the United Nations, on his goal of eliminating nuclear weapons. Hearing a French head of state, referring to someone else as being arrogance is like Brett Favre accusing Satan of being egotistical; anyone who has followed this blog would know that we’ve diagnosed long ago this psychosis about our secular messiah president. We all have met those people who are like our president; you know the guy who thinks that all women will fall for him, and when that one woman doesn’t, the patented excuse is introduced. Our vainglorious president thought that the likes of Putin and other heads of rogue states would swoon like the Europeans did when he took his campaign there, but alas, from Sarkozy to Germany s Angela Merkel are looking at Obama with jaundiced eyes. The danger lies in the fact that President Obama sacrifices our prestige for his; can anyone tell me the last time you’ve heard such a scathing speech against an ex president like the one delivered by President Obama, at all places, at that bastion of integrity called the United Nations? Our president should be listening to the general he installed on increasing the troops in Afghanistan instead of thinking what the far left think of him on this particular issue--These are soldiers lives at risk; the last time we didn’t listen to the generals, we had the debacle of Vietnam. I suppose President Obama thinks he can convince the Taliban and the American people that the situation isn’t dire in Afghanistan. I think it was James Brown who sang, jump back and kiss myself--Narcissus would be proud of our secular messiah president….
Verily Prime

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Something was said last Sunday that should be of dire concern to those of us who consider ourselves traditional Christians. Former national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, ironically to that craven President Carter, recommended that if Israel decided to unilaterally attack Iran’s nuclear sites, the United States, who controls the Iraqi airspace, an area that must be traverse by Israel to reach Iran, should dispatch its fighter jets, located in Iraq, and confront or shoot down the I Israeli fighters if necessary to thwart their mission. I hope that this wasn’t an opinion being floated by the current administration to see how the country would react in case of such a scenario. This must be the same argument used against the Neo Cons for their take and support for pre-emptive war. But Israel has this right to strike the Iranians because the Mullahs are forever saying that they are going to d estroy the Jewish State. We as human beings practice preemption all the time: we have a diet of vegetables and we exercise to prevent heart disease; we send our children to good schools so prevent ignorance and prepare them to succeed as adults…I need not go on to show the nexus of preemptive strike on Iran to Israel’s security. Today, the paper tigers of all stripes congregated at the United Nations, and typically, lauded our secular, messiah president because, whether it is so or not, they think they have a friend in the White House. The problem with these friends, who are presently attending the UN conference, is that they all hate Israel…In my opinion, our current president is not as blatant and conspicuous with his dislike for the Jewish state…but those of us who are traditional Christians have the clarity to see the sleight of hand. I noise this admonition toAmerica that Israel doesn’t need her, but America needs Israel (See Genesis 12:3).
-Verily Prime

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Every parent and even social scientists like Pavlov know how important the concept of quid pro quo or the “carrot and stick” approach is to animate and foster certain behavior patterns. Last week, Putin called and congratulated President Obama on his decision to place our missile defense, scheduled for land bases in Poland and the Czech Republic, on our submarines. I am not going to take issue with the moving of the bases from land to sea because I am not qualified…so I defer to the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates who made the change. But in making the change, we got nothing from Putin. At least, we should have had Putin act as our surrogate to implore the Russians not to sell Iran nuclear technology, or moreover, pressuring the Iranians not to pursue nuclear weapons period. Putin’s congrats were akin to the proverbial=2 0patronizing pat on Obama’s back or like the fox (Putin) congratulating the brood of chickens (Obama) for moving in next door. It is reported that the Polish Ambassador refused to take Secretary of State Clinton’s call and both newspaper of record inPoland and the Czech Republic said that they were betrayed by the United States. We do not even take the time out to study the players involved respective histories; for example, the Obama Administration made the arrangement with Russia on the 70th anniversary of the Russia’s invasion of Poland, which resulted in the slaughter of many a Poles. I mean if we forgot our diplomatic etiquette by giving the Queen an I-Pod and the British Prime Minister tapes of Obama’s speeches, we should expect no more for such important matters like remembering our Polish ally painful, historical wounds suffered at the bloody hands of the Russians. I supposed next, we will be serving the Muslims Pork and placing the Jews and the Palestinians next to each other during the White House’s next state dinner.
-Verily Prime

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Curious Comparison

California has now mandated that students as young as kinder gardeners be taught about bias and bullying against homosexuals; of course, for me the Trojan horse is the pretext of bias or bullying against homosexuals--Perhaps, I should get my disclaimer out of the way now by saying that I don’t condone bias or bullying against homosexuals. Beside the travesty that is taking place in California is the accepted thought that homosexuals are treated like minorities who have suffered racism; moreover, many of our Civil Rights leaders are accepting this bogus comparison and equating their struggles to that of minorities. Tell me what black man can hide from his hue and the few who want to do so have not the means like the late Michael Jackson to do so. The homosexual on the other hand can engage in his behavior without anyone being privy to his proclivity. In law firms here in New York, the Sodom and Gomorrah of the East, there are rampant and wield much power…they throw their life style in your face all the time like a tamer version of the gay parade, as though their flamboyance will sway you to accept their lifestyle. Somebody school me on whether they were born with lisps, which give them that peculiar speech pattern or without bones in their respective wrists. The racists who oppose interracial marriages, sanctioned and codified in the president setting case of Loving V. Virginia, must concede that it is condoned by God and nature with all the Halle Berry like children you see running around. Those of you who engage in political correctness on this issue, void yourself of delusions and ponder that the lesbian will become ruby red and will used the loo sitting down; moreover consider the irony of the adopted child who says, Tommy has two mommies or two daddies. Save your branding of my being ignorant or my being a Philistine.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AG Holder’s Selective Prosecutions

There are times when you just have to pinch yourself to see if you are living in so
alternate universe; I had to do so recently when I heard about “The John Adams Project.” This is an endeavor by the ACLU to out our CIA operatives who brought many of the jihadists to Guantanamo; the ACLU has appropriated and perverted our second president’s name by deliberately exposing our intelligent operatives and their families to danger. The ACLU does this outing under the guise that Constitutional criminal due process requires them to give the terrorists the names and photos of our operatives. These people who are doing t his exposure deserve a bullet in the head. Whatever happened to the ACLU who fought for the franchise, which allowed minorities to enjoy the Constitutional benisons of this great country? The ACLU’s downward spiral started many years ago….It took a situation in Skokie Illinois, one of the Jewish enclaves, whereby the ACLU advocated on behalf of the Klan to march before Jewish Americans to curtail their support for the ACLU; for me, it was the ACLU’s support of NAMBLA, a pedophilic organization--which basically received legal advice and then placing said advice on its web site--on how to molest little boys with impunity. Eric Holder, our intrepid Attorney General (AG), saw fit to investigate our operatives for so called harsh treatment to the Guantanamo jihadist terrorists, but I am holding my breath until he investigates the ACLU for amounts to treason. Could you believe the things people are getting away with now in this country….?
-Verily Prime

Monday, September 14, 2009

A lie Via Obfuscation

Even a lay person can define and articulate the appearance of impropriety; that is why it was so stunning to hear a Congress man calling the President of these United States a liar, while he was giving a speech to a joint session of our Congress. Notwithstanding that the same rank racism found in the Carolinas is alive and well among the sophisticated denizens of New York and Hollywood, the Congress man should have known better because of whence he came (one of the states comprising of Dixie). Whatever negative backlash the Republicans are receiving for one of their legislators calling Obama a liar—is deserving because he should have known better. Now, the Congress man said President Obama was lying because illegal aliens would be covered under the Obama’s proposed health care reform=guess what, the Congress man might be correct. The President is a lawyer and once taught Constitutional Law in Chicago--so he should know that if the illegal aliens are treated differently vis-à-vis coverage o f health care from citizens, the Constitutional case law presidents will vote down any bill that they deem discriminatory. There are at least two lawyers who reads this blog, in addition to my beloved father who is an ardent supporter of the current president, know that this is true. Am I supposed to think that our brilliant president, who graduated with honors from Harvard law school, is not privy to this? I have opined in past blogs that I am rather taciturn when it comes to the discussion of health care reform because I see merit on both sides of the debates. The fact that the insurance companies are having such angst tells me that there is merit to some of the changes the president is proposing; yet, I watched our president on Sixty Minutes yesterday and saw him backed away from tort reform. And lest my Republicans friends are feeling emboldened, you too are beholden to the insurance companies--to quote a line from Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, “A pox on both your houses.”
-Verily Prime

Monday, September 7, 2009


Once again, our President finds himself firing and distancing himself from
one of his cohorts; of course, we will be told that the president again will not be responsible because he was not privy to whatever it is that caused the current controversy. How many times are we going to let this man off the hook when others in a similar position would have been castigated by the media? All of us who grew up with any semblance of an authority figure knows the old adage that one can gauge ones character by the friends one keeps-I will not list the other questionable people President Obama has been associated with because, apparently, it does not matter-like a duct, the filth will slide off his back. President Obama’s environmental Czar, believed, among other conspiracies, that President George Bush was culpable in the terrorist attacks, which occurred on 911. I supposed that the FBI’s vetting process is not what it used to be and that our secular messianic president is woefully unaware of the beliefs of many of his radical friends. My friends, and the other member of Verily Prime, always teased me about my being a Luddite--but if I can be privy to the writings of many of President Obama’s many Czars--where is our Peabody worthy newscasters--do not answer that, the query was rhetorical. I am reminded that a couple of years ago, unbeknownst to Vice President Dick Cheney, he had chosen to sate his appetite at a restaurant, which apparently had a miniature Confederate flag painting on its wall--Cheney had to apologize for inadvertently eating at the restaurant. There are those of you, who support the current President, who genuinely believe that his critics are quixotic--no matter, we will keep fighting the wind mills until the scales are off your eyes.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bullies Are Universal

Years ago in Newark, New Jersey, one of my supervisors, an ex CIA operative and fellow lawyer, who now reads this blog, debated and posited the argument that America does not have the stomach to defend itself anymore; then, I disagreed with him, but the recent polls showing that American support for the war in Afghanistan is waning give credence to his position. Despite the typical Hollywood portrayal of soldiers, as being blood thirsty and empty headed, those of us who have served are reluctant warriors...only animated when the call comes and is justify. Such a call came when we were attacked from jihadists operating out of the Afghanistan on 911, yet the majority of Americans in recent poling are now willing to move on. This is jarring because the bullies around the world are looking and deciding where to pounce is their nature...and there is no bully as formidable as those who practice the religion of peace (pun intended). In Spain, the jihadists affected the elections and forced those who were sympathetic to the Bush policies vis-a-vis terrorism out of office. The new Spanish regime did not get a reprieve because they were bombed twice after appeasing those who follow the religion of peace. Do we really believe that the Tali ban will let up on their fight against us, especially when their reward is nestled in least Hitler’s Third Reich had earthly goals like using Africa as its bread basket, not 72 virgins. Later on in this month of September, my daughter and other countless little boys and girls will be going back to school; some of them will again surrender their lunch or money to the school is akin to our growing appetite of not standing up to those whose aim is to impose their way of life on us...the Jihadists are not asking for our money...but our freedom.
-Verily Prime

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


In the wee hours of the morning, the news came that Senator Edward Kennedy had succumbed to brain cancer. No sooner had the Senator died, the condolences were coming in from across the political spectrum's. The various voices paying respect is a testament of how unique this country is…where ardent political rivals can pause and genuinely pay respect when one of them is fallen. An apt example of this country’s uniqueness is the friendly relationship between Orin Hatch…the staunch conservative…and Senator Kennedy…the ultra liberal. This aspect of politics is absent in many countries but hear it flourishes and I hope it continues to do so. Though the debates affecting our lives are spirited, we still can get together and respect the institutions protecting the many differing voices. Senator Kennedy is and was symbolic of this uniqueness, which is now being dismantled. The truth is that there were many issues that the members of Verily Prime and the Senator disagreed on, but we must always give honor to whom honor is due. Specifically, I thank the fallen Senator for his contribution and advocacy on behalf of legislation, which assisted the poor, minorities, and the elderly. I am especially grateful for legislation in the sixties and early seventies which enabled minorities and gave teeth to Constitutional mandates to enforce the franchise. It is said that the angel of death prematurely visits the Kennedy males, but Senator Edward Kennedy escaped this fate and lived three scores and seventeen years-seven more than the Good Book says we are allotted--I hope that he is resting in peace.
-Verily Prime

Monday, August 24, 2009


I wonder what would have the great General Patton think about the state of affairs in America, especially on the subject of the treatment of our intelligence operatives. Today, Attorney General (A.G.), Eric Holder, decided to appoint a special prosecutor to look into and to possibly prosecute our CIA operatives who threatened Gitmo terrorists with death if they did not divulge secret plots to kill Americans. This is the same Holder who engineered the pardon for Mark Rich and pardoned the Puerto Rican terrorists who blew up government offices, which may have caused a police officer’s death. We are aware what Holder is attempting to do; his president popularity is tanking so why not go after the CIA and let it dominate the news circle for a while… taking the focus off the health care reform debacle. The problem is the potential damage it could cause in the CIA current ranks and recruiting. In addition, why would the Israeli’s Shin Bet, Mossad, or the British MI-5, who a re very good at what they do, wants to work or share intelligence with us…perhaps, the only good news coming out of Washington was that Leon Panetta, the current head of the CIA, was incensed at A.G. Holder’s decision. Some years ago, I attended basic training in Alabama (Fort McClellan); in order to graduate, we had to enter a room filled with tear gas without the benefit of a protective mask, and try to repeat our names and SSNs…needless to say, my eyes were on fire and sprouting tears…and my sinuses were involuntarily cleared. What if our CIA operatives had subjected the Gitmo terrorists to a spell in a room and set off the tear gas…the pusillanimous crowd would have deemed such actions torture. I say to A.G. Holder and President Obama, popularity is fleeting… one only has to ask the many past flavor of the month celebrities…Jesus, riding on an ass, was welcomed into Jerusalem with palms and shouts of “Hosanna in the Highest;” and, moreover, as King of the Jews, yet in three days, those same folks called for his crucifixion. So do not feel too bad Mr. President….
-Verily Prime

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Bad Fortnight For Our Secular Messiah

It is being telegraphed so that one can see it coming from a country mile away; we see and hear some of the president’s supporters intimating that the protesters against his health care reform policies are racists. Someone enlighten me, but I thought that Blacks only make up 15% of the population, which means many of my whites brothers and sisters voted for our secular messiah. The bad fortnight President Obama is having and the likes of MSNBC disparaging the protesters as racists is akin to the proverbial Blackman trying to catch a cab in Manhattan. How many times have we heard some Black male celebrity opining on not being able to catch cab in some major city--no doubt this is a legitimate gripe and sometimes, indeed, racist. But let us supposed that these cab drivers who refused to pick up a Blackman because he is genuinely afraid for his life-should he put his life in what he sees as genuine danger, even if the cab driver is misguided in reading the occupant’s intentions. I do no t know what is going on in these folk’s minds who are protesting; if they are doing so because of hatred for the first black president-shame on them, but I cannot second guess them because I really do not know. Now when the cab story is told, it is confined in politically correct verbiage; the truth is that in Brooklyn where members of Verily Prime reside, there are taxi drivers who will not pick us up, especially if we are asking to go to certain areas of Brooklyn-incidentally, these cabbies are Black. Why is it that it is ok for Black cabbies to be genuinely concern about picking up some Black men and not none black cabbies in Manhattan….? We have written in past blogs how race is that cancerous wound that works corruption of blood and that no matter how upright a Blackman may be in his every day life, there are those who will always hate him. This does not mean that we should paint everyone--protesters against the president’s domestic agenda--with the collective racist brush.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Travesty of Plaxico Bruress’ Sentence

One of the rear seminal moments of elitist hypocrisy is a situation which happened on live TV during the now cancelled Rosie O’Donnell show. Rosie had invited Tom Selleck of Magnum PI fame to be a guess on her show-he was pitching his new television movie. When Mr. Selleck arrived, he was ambushed by Rosie about his poor judgment for his ardent support of the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment. As Rosie’s audience roared in support, Mr. Selleck calmly told Rosie that when he came into her studios…her security were armed with 9 millimeter weapons…the look on her face was priceless. Today, a travesty took place in New York; Mayor Bloomberg and District Attorney Morgenthau vigorously prosecuted Plaxico Burress, a football player, who took an unlicensed gun to a club and accidentally shot himself in the leg. Someone explain to me the utility or who will be deterred in placing Mr. Burress in jail for two years, especially a man who has no criminal record. As of last year, an athlete playing for Washington Redskins was killed in his home; a basketball player from the Houston Rockets was carjacked and shot; A Denver Broncos football player was killed in his SUV-I can only guess what would have happened if those athletes were armed, but I am certain they would have had a better chance of protecting themselves. In Crown Heights where my Jewish brothers and sisters congregate, there are times we see on the local news of all sort of crimes occurring there, especially money laundering and crimes against women seeking the Get (Jewish Divorce)…then we hear nothing else about said crimes because the powers that be like Mayor Bloomberg and District Attorney Morgenthau influenced the process. Tomorrow is the Sabbath and both Morgenthau and Mayor Bloomberg, if they are practicing Jews, will leave to go to temple; accompanying both men will be their respective retinues of security armed with sub-machine weapons. Mayor Bloomberg may have the wealth of the poet King Solomon--but on this issue of calling for the incarceration of Plaxico Burress--he sure lacks his wisdom….
-Verily Prime